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Color chart for eye anomolies..very interesting!
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Color chart for eye anomolies..very interesting!

This has a lot of info on eye anomolies and this is what it said about Iodine:


No other drug shows up shows up more clearly than Iodine although signs will differ according to internal or external absorption. Internal absorption will show up as a bright red, reddish brown, or orange colored spots that sometimes have a white border showing irritation and inflammation, or process of elimination. External absorption shows up as an orange or pinkish hue, and appears in the form of streaks or clouds. This drug sign can show up in any area of the iris, although more frequently in the liver, kidneys, gastro-intestinal, lungs, pancreas, and brain areas. Iodine pigmentation is always a brighter red and more diffuse than psora."

I'm wondering in what context they are meaning? For example, do they mean undersaturation, over saturation, or just ingesting Iodine in any amounts?

Hmmm..I took a good look at my brown spot and it's so small now, I wonder if it's going to go away with the iodine supplementation? It's at 6 o'clock, and half way between the iris and the outer ring which would be the lymph and circulatory system, including knee, thigh, and foot and includes the skin.

This is fun..thanks for introducing me to it!




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