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Re: The beatles
Ohfor07 Views: 1,365
Published: 19 y
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Re: The beatles

Your skepticism is understandable. This too can be easily cleansed and healed the natural way with appropriate second-person nutrition.

Executive Intelligence Review well documneted the Acquarian Conspiracy, and the inter-related long-running charade we know as the supposed 'war on drugs' many years ago, in the book Dope Inc, causing Reagan to imprison it's author; within which the Beatles el. al. had a starring roles. A related excerpt is linked below; it's a long read, lotta names to keep track of in connecting the many dots, but should do well to help dispel skepticism, and for which it seems rather inappropriate to continue writing this situation of as a "theory".

That the pinnacle of defenses (pentagon) of the world's only supposed superpower (helps for effect to really puff out your chest and imagine this line being spoken in a deep, authoritative voice) were penetrated, as well the world trade towers toppled nice, neat and tidy pancake style, by the likes of a stone-aged motley crew of tent-dwelling middle eastern airplane-hijacking "terrorists" yielding no other weapons than tricked-up razor blades......., one of which who's passport apparently and conveniently was found lying unharmed atop a smoking pile of the resultant this is a prime example of a theory, one of the looniest out there for several years now; guess they don't make superpowers the way they used to, probably due in part to so much of our's being 'made in china'. Conveniently and co-incidentally, hundreds of tons of potential evidence - the wreckage, was quickly secured (fema at it's finest) scooped, packed and shipped to China for scrap metal.


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