Bones, by MH
I like throwing bones to those that could not make the Amish healer's "free" seminars.
Here is a classic example why he wants to educate the parents, he feels he can save the missery of one child, then his efforts were worth it:
The second degree burn is very painful; usually a number of blisters; at times the blisters can become full and under pressure; that it is uncomfortable. Normally we do nothing with the blister; we cover it and dress it the same as any other burn, but do not use a lot of compression on your dressing, because the pressure of the blister is enough without the compression. If you rupture the blister; you have now exposed that wound to the open air and as long as the body fluids are in there and protected and the air has not got to them; they are not the same as they are when they are out in the open, because air has bacteria in it and the fluids will become loaded with bacteria if its ruptured. As long as it’s sealed there is kind of that protection there and its not like a raw open wound and there is times when these blisters are so full that they are very uncomfortable, but if you stick a pin through that and relieve that; then it’s more comfortable, but immediately the old dead skin settles down on the open wound, but you ought to remove that. If you remove the fluids; you leave some in there; you still have some protection so that is one way to do it. If you have a little antithesis or if the blister is still on the arm and the edge of it is just right there and you go down below the edge; just a little bit; come in the unharmed skin; come up through the bottom and draw some fluids off; that will relieve the pressure and that will not rupture the blister.
The skin; the natural original skin will still seal it; where it wont leak; otherwise there is always a problem of rupturing it; that is one of the methods how we might relive some of the pressure from the blister; otherwise leave the blister up; to three or four days before you get rid of them; that will give the body; if its second degree; if the body has started the healing fairly rapidly; if you have everything in order and then by that time you can open it. It just does not hurt and burn the way it would if you open it; the first day this is also as the blister is covered with the original skin you are not liable to get infection once it is open; there is more of a problem; but again at thirty+ years experience, we have never had an infection in all the burn patients; except one case and I think I can prove that that did not come from external sources.
Dressing the Hands
We need to dress each finger individually; especially if the skin is missing; especially all the joints; be careful that all the joints are straight and well covered; if you would leave for instance; if the breast have lost skin it will grow together; it will grow right to the body and so does any other part like the joint. If you over lap it; it will grow just smack to the body and you cannot extend it no more; so its very particular that you get in all areas that you’ve lost the skin; that you get a leaf between it, but not only a leaf you put B&W ointment on or whatever ointment you happen to have and then you put a leaf in between; that will avoid that from happening.
Palms need to be flattened; the fingers need to be straightened out; if you do not straighten; then I have seen a little child with a claw for a hand; the parents were trying to do their best to take care of the child and they did not realize that it is a natural tendency for little children when they are hurt to have a cupped hand and in this case they had wrapped this palm up too tight; they had squeezed it together and that palm was impossible to flatten out any more and the fingers were not able to straighten for life; unless you go to a surgeon to release some of that restricted skin; that scared skin. That is so important, but these parents had never done it; they did not realize you don’t allow those fingers to curl and keep the palms flattened. I normally after I’m done dressing; I lay a piece of cardboard like a double walled piece; just so they cant bend it; just cut the widths of the hand and wrap it right up to it back past the wrist a little bit and they don’t get fussy, because of that; I’ve seen lots of children with their hands like that; go down on the floor; move the toys around and be happy all day long. They learn to cope with the fingers in that position and every time you do remove the dressing; always check all areas to see if it is becoming restricted.
We have a little story although we have some who have scars; one people in Canada had about a 40% body burn; a lot of it third degree and he was in the hospital. They grafted skin on him and that is the only spot on his body that he is restricted; he cannot raise his shoulder normally any more; they took him out of the hospital, because of the pain and the rest of the body does not have any scars which was dressed with the burdock leaves and the B&W ointment; so we are not 100% percent free of scars, but you cannot leave them in the open air; whenever the air attacks that and dries it scars will appear.
Scaring is simply calcification taking place; this is when the calcium comes in and heals the wound and that goes back to the health of the person; you know when the calcium is out of balance; so for those people; they are more subject to scar, because it’s like when you break your arm and the calcium builds up around the broken bone. The calcium is proper when extra calcium used for the repair will dissolve and go away and the same thing happens in the skin if the chemistry is right; the calcium will dissolve and go away; there are no ridges or adhesions.
He then proceeds to explain how to remove you see, the free seminars offered allot more info than just applying ointment to a burn.. I know many people reading this forum would love to know how to dissolve their scar!!! So throwing bones and teasing maybe will wake up a few and they will seek the education that some great people offer so cheaply if not completely free.