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Re: Rebound With Your Pet, She LOVES IT!
RunningBlind Views: 2,288
Published: 18 y
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Re: Rebound With Your Pet, She LOVES IT!

I should try this with my cat. Ugh he's 15lbs though!. It's not that he's really fat or just a fat, lazy pig.. his system really is so screwed up from all the drugs and steroid shots he was given when he was younger. We're working on cleaning that mess up. He's just a clogged up mess.

Re the bra thing - I read somewhere from one of the experts that braless is good if you can do it. IT actually stregnthens the muscles so they don't sag and drains them better. But depending how big you are that can be uncomfortable so the next recommendation was just a loose fitting bra, no wire or crossing your arms or something.

My new way is just wrapping a towel around them like you do when you get out of the shower. seems to hold them in and I can still move my arms instead of having to hold those in. Id expect the more movement the better/more lymph flow. Maybe you shouldn't wear pants either..elastic on your waist could be slightly cutting something off. LOL Seriously when you think about it that way...


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