Re: Question about searches
The easiest way to find a posters'
posts which you like is to click on
a post they have made.
Then go to the bottom of the post and
you will see where it says, All
Messages Across All Forums. If
you click on that option you can
try out searching by date or topic.
There is also an option for the
searching the posters recommended
posts too.
I have had great luck in digging
in the archives for gems of wisdom.
Do not neglect searching through
the blogs too as there are some
really wonderful blogs which
feature more comprehensive attention
to a subject, for example, Telman's
blog on
Liver Flushing is a must-see
and Rising Sun has put together some
fabulous research blogs. There are
many others but just tossing that in
for a consideration.
be happy, be well,