posted a msg a few days ago 4 prayer/help, hoping 2 get help; my friend susan should be able to post a msg in next few days; until then hoping for a jumpstart for her; ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED, THANK U IN ADVANCE!!! Approx. 2.5yrs ago, she was diagnosed w/ovarian cancer, they removed her female organs, and had some chemo treatments. Within last year tumor showed up in abdomen, blocking intestine at this point now, she had chemo and nerves 'reacted' to it; doc's took her off then changed to different chemo but tumor didn't react, now back 2 first chemo drug since 'not harming big nerves, only little nerves' Susan will be able to give more details if needed, but can you all help w/holistic approach? jumpstart for her would be great, any links/ plans/success stories/clarkia or c-cure better/// sending her link to get Dr. hulda's books on-line as well, also, can she do these different approaches while still taking chemo? Thank you so much for ANY insight and prayers, blessings sent out 4 all : )