Mamahuhu + some further observations..
Hi Mamahuhu :),
Thanks for joining the Experiment, and for your very clear feedback. If enough of us do this we will come up with a set of experiential commonalities.
For several seconds I also noticed a slow movement in my right temple the last time I painted (Last night). It is the first time this has happened.
Also, last night I painted 5 vertical drops right before bed. Had *no* trouble sleeping. That is also the first time I have painted while lying down, instead of being vertical :). I am painting once per day, and am using 5 vertical drops of 5%
Lugol's each time now.
After a short while, maybe a few minutes, I could feel the
Iodine very active at the roots of my teeth, lower teeth first, then it eventually included the uppers- *that* was pretty wild, and this was the first time I noticed it.
I am suspecting that there is some kind of a finer circulatory system that the
Iodine facilitates, and it is also clear to me that a high percentage of Iodine's effects include interfacing with the non-physical, more subtle parts of us.
Am I surprised? No.
I do seem to require more water, so folks who are painting this way, I'd keep an eye on that.. It shows up as dry throat first. It is mild though, and not aggressive, although I think it would turn into a problem if I ignored it.
Painting clearly mobilizes the fluid pathways, and needs more water to do it with.
Every other effect I have written of in my previous posts on this topic are still present, although now I expect them :)..
Iodine seems to be clearing out something, and I am wanting to make very sure that all elimination channels are clear, that feels *really* important. The detritus of this clearing seems like an unusually fine and tenaciously sticky paste, not like simple vegetable matter, and I've had to =>=>kick it out with Sunsweet prune juice
and Epsom Salts twice now.
Thank you for the excellent report :).
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :)