Used Kelp and seaweed in the past...great results
with patients and friends and family. These are a combo of Laminaria Japonica and Thallus Sargassum (sea weed) known in Chinese medicine as Hai Zao and kun bu. When using these at the time I was not aware of impurities and contaiminants etc. The results I saw were incredible. I would have them make a soup(boiling then simmering 20 min. to 30 min.) w/ 2-5g of each that would last a couple of days @ 2 drinks perday. They could add tofu , onions garlic, boullion whatever. Goiters shrank, hairs grew back, weight was lost, lifelong allergies dissappeared, high energy achieved , fatigue demolished.
It was such a whip to make and drink (or eat).
Lugol's has been so much easier in a way but difficult in another way in that u need to supplement for the detox this did not occur with my (primordial ) soup.
I hope the results are just as fantabulous!!
Anyway I decided to come back to curezone. I wanta gonna do it after my row with VWT forum. Perhaps I was over sensative but I had not been to cz in a while and did not realize people speak with utube videos now. Had I been prepared for that I would have had a much better response for Vulcanel rather than anger. I have, however been banned...sigh...