Re: To Vulcanel and team, you asked how long I have these moles.
Hey monterey,
I just saw your posts about moles. I removed several moles on my arms using the drugstore
Iodine tincture. That was before I had lugol's. I have more moles I plan to try this on, once it gets to be cool weather, but I will use
Lugol's this time around.
I have to say that in my case, they looked WORSE before they looked better. They raised up, got kinda irritated, later sorta flaked off, then were a little pink before settling down. Some places look normal, some still look a little pink or pale.
So, it might be worth a try, but being on your face, it might get ugly before it gets better. Actually I plan to follow up on these same removed-mole spots, once it gets cool. I think some diluted applications will help them continue to heal.