Re: Why Vitamin C Gets A's from the Experts
Good, glad you did not take offense.
Of all the things that stood out for me in that article, there was a chain reaction that started with mention of "that about 80% of the ascorbic acid -- vitamin C -- made in the world originates in (China)..." To me, this statement is tryign to set a tethered to all the freshly hyped press about poisonous commercial products left and right coming out of China. Then chain continues with mention that there is little reason to fear toxicity becaue "....American companies import the raw ingredients but the reliable manufacturers verify quality".
Come on folks, lets be serious for a moment. On what grounds do American companies in the present have for trying to stand on rely on what their reputation once was? Those days are gone, long gone, NAFTA gone, free-trade gone! This article's statement smacks of deception that subtly says "Chinese companies?; bad! have you not heard/seen all the bad news on CNN/ABC/FOX lately?.....but, American companies?; good!, 'cause, well, everyone remembers how good American companies used to be!". Those days are gone, folks. In the past 1 to 2 decades, ever since the advent of free-trade, that old reputation of American quality is gone! Yes, this may be painting with broad strokes, and while I suspect there still are a relative few good, honest American companies out there, they have become the exception rather than the rule. And, while people are busy having their thoughts trained to think sound bytes - China - bad, America, good - it's like everybody has instantly forgotten who it was that decided it a good idea to off-shore their manufacturing operations to China in the first place; American companies! They can try to hide behind their disclaimers all day long, they can play the blame game all day long, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how the poisons are coming into America from China - be it in dog food or human food, American companies are to blame!; period!!