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Re: By Chance, by MH
MH 108 Views: 1,251
Published: 18 y
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Re: By Chance, by MH

Dr. Sutter is a chiropractor as far as I am aware of, you don't see him preaching homeopathic trash. From what I have seen, it appears to be a ND you must buy into homeopathics and herbs second. They also have in common the FAKE MACHINE that they "LIE" to all their patients as a method to sale their trash.

Some people may get a N.D. degree so they feel safer preaching herbs, but I have never known of one other than Dr. John R. Christopher and he only did it because the state of Utah is crazy and even after he got his degree, the state passed laws against Dr. Christopher himself. It didn't matter what he did to comply, they wanted him out of business.

A N.D. could be a wonder doctor, but I have never heard of one that had a single clue about human health and most are just "pricks" with the M.D. attitude that they are DOCTORS.............A good doctor doesn't act like a doctor, to be proud and superior is a true sign that your not a person that has the slightest clue what is going on in life. People can think your superior and thats their problem, but to come off as superior and push poisons is not good.


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