At the risk of giving driveby diagnosis here there is a way to treat an ear infection using castor oil. In the book 'The Oil that Heals' by Dr. McGarey he has three cases where castor oil is used in the ears.
Two were of young boys who had tubes and the third of an older woman experiencing hearing loss. The mothers of the boys used neck massage, alkalizing diet and some vitamins C and placed drops of castor oil into the ears. Both were successful. The woman used a castor oil pack with heat on the ear before bedtime for two nights and all was well thereafter.
The book is based on the readings and teachings of Edgar Cayce. Dr. McGarey had a practice in Phoenix for many years. The other name for castor oil is Palma Christi or the palm of Christ.
BTW I posted something on candida in the hair loss forum that may be of interest if you suspect a yeast infection.