this sounds incredibly hopefull,its what i am thinkin of every day if its possible to be smarter then those non-imaginables(how i went callin this,by being judges even by friends),pushing myself to keep going and keep loving my body stay still so strong to try toheal itself even when those terrorists keeps destroying it.can hardly believe that something make it leave tryed so many things,salt,oil,sunshine,knife,burning,washing stuff over and over(vinagre works the best in clothes)lemon and god knows what but until now its still going on,i go in the mornin immediatly to the store buy this things take little pool from kids and take a bath!how did you clean your house and animals did you also do some in the garden?can imagine how great it must be feelin for you now!thanks for sharin the way isn't it strange that thanks to all sufferers we can share this and understand what someone is living with but there no doc.or hospital or medical service want to know about it but prefer judgin you with your scary bugs.lots of love and healthy happy energy!