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Re: my first cleanse
boldyloxx Views: 999
Published: 18 y
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Re: my first cleanse

Hi! I'm not sure about the hcl-- though I do know Dr. Hulda Clark reccomends Ozonated olive oil. When I do a liver flush, I havn't used ozonated oil, and I had no problems--- so if you don't have an ozonater, don't let that stop you from doing a liver flush.

With my first flushes, I didn't know where to get Black-Walnut tincture,so I just emptied two - four capsules of Black-Walnut herb (powdered) into the fresh squeezed grapefruit juice/olive oil and it did actually kill some fluke worms hiding in the liver--which ended up coming out with the stones. So if you don't have tincture-in a pinch you can use a few capsules of dry Black-Walnut herb.

Nature's Way brand makes Black Walnut capsules for about $5.99 a bottle. YOu can get the black walnut tincture online or in healthfood stores -- the common brands that I know that make it are Nature's Answer and Herb Pharm. There are other brands as well. Check in 's search engine, Some websites that sell herbs and tinctures also provide a toll free number you can call to order by phone if you don't want to order online.



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