I had heard of bone broth before, but never paid much attention to this. Still battling my broken knee and edema, my taxi told me the story of his mother. She had the same problems as me with the edema and her doctor told her to drink the broth of the lamb's leg, take dates and date syrup for breakfast. He also told her not to eat any meat or chicken. He told her if you do any of the things I tell you not to do, do not come here again, we will just bury you.
So faithfully she went on the leg broth and now she can walk 1/2 mile to the store with no problem. People are shocked to see her and welcome her openly.
Benefits of Bone Broth
According to Dr. Axe: I have found bone broth to be the #1 thing you can consume to:
Heal leaky gut
Overcome foods intolerances and allergies
Improve joint health
Reduce cellulite
Boost immune system
Chicken soup isn’t just good for the soul: there’s a reason that it’s prescribed by doctors and mothers alike when you’re feeling under the weather. All bone broths beef, chicken, fish, lamb and more are staples in the traditional diets of every culture and the basis of all fine cuisine. That’s because bone broths are nutrient-dense, easy to digest, rich in flavor and–they boost healing.
- See more at: http://www.natural--living.com/new-health-trend---making-bone-broth.html
Saw this on Jamie Oliver's Food Tube and was presented by Chef Tim Shieff. At first I said no way but then decided it could be done to suit me as I had most of the items in the frig. I love how he put everything together. As for me I will make some adjustments.
Healthy recipes for salad don’t always contain sweet potato, kidney beans and quinoa, but this one does! The addition of kale, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds, along with the chia, makes this a superfood feast.
Use a whisk to emulsify the vinegar, olive oil, cayenne, salt and pepper in a small bowl.
In a large bowl, mix together the cooked sweet potato, beans, quinoa, onion, kale, chia, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. Toss with the dressing.
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