I agree that it's important to know what is causing the symptoms. I used to believe that I was experiencing heart attacks and actually ended up in the ER a couple of times (by ambulance) only to learn that I was experiencing panic attacks. Because the symptoms were synonymous with cardiac arrest, I always went to the ER. Now, I know the symptoms of the panic disorder.
Chest pains can result from any number of conditions, and without knowing what is causing them, it's impossible to develop a natural protocol to treat the condition, instead of the symptoms.
Get a complete physical and the lab work to determine what may (or, may not) be causing the symptoms. Then, you can treat the condition via natural / alternative methods.
Best wishes to you.
PS - I checked out this post because it was cross-posted with "Gambling Addiction."
Hi everyone,
I am Kelvin Tong, currently working on my PhD project at Monash University Malaysia. Your contribution is very important in the development of prevention and intervention programs in the future. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes. Please be assured that all responses are anonymous and confidential.
What is the project about?
The aim of this study is to understand your participation in recreational activities. To thank you for your time, you will be in the running to be rewarded ONE out of two Amazon shopping vouchers worth USD$50 if you have completed the full survey.
Survey link: https://monashmnhs.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3qolosHdjJD1aFT
**Please do let your friends/ family know about this exciting survey.
Thank you!!!
Hi everyone,
I am Kelvin Tong, currently working on my PhD project at Monash University Malaysia. Your contribution is very important in the development of prevention and intervention programs in the future. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes. Please be assured that all responses are anonymous and confidential.
What is the project about?
The aim of this study is to understand your participation in recreational activities. To thank you for your time, you will be in the running to be rewarded ONE out of two Amazon shopping vouchers worth USD$50 if you have completed the full survey.
Survey link: https://monashmnhs.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3qolosHdjJD1aFT
**Please do let your friends/ family know about this exciting survey.
Thank you!!!
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