(Note: Although I personally channel the God Consciousness or what has been called ALL THAT IS, the following message was channeled by another person named Paul, which was a friend and teacher.)
This Awareness indicates that this is associated with forces that are unseen on this plane of reality, which can emit a kind of ‘Ray’.
This Awareness indicates these forces being of a nature whereby they can emit a ray toward a particular individual and this creates an internal combustion, this not to unlike the microwave oven and its affect on who placed within it. This Awareness indicates that like wise, this particular type of Ray affects the chemicals within one’s body; these being rays of a much shorter frequency than the microwave.
This Awareness indicates these affecting the body from the inside out, through a manipulation of the chemicals within, so that these chemicals are altered and become volatile. This Awareness indicates that it simply cooks the entity from the inside; and the heat, when reaching the surface, bursts into flame. This Awareness indicates there are many reasons for these forces having the use of this against others. In some cases, the victim has been under a contract, perhaps several lifetimes previously, to some force, and is not fulfilling that contract.
In other cases, the entity is a threat to these Dark Forces, and therefore are prime targets. This Awareness indicates that those who are protecting themselves with the Pure Light of the Christ Consciousness are generally relatively safe from these rays. This Awareness indicates that this as that which may be equated to the “Malevolent 7 ray, or death ray, which is often use from other dimensions against entities upon this plane; these being used by Dark Forces against those who are threats to the Forces of Darkness and who are not keeping their Light in the highest order. This Awareness indicates that alcohol can be a contributing factor in creating the chemical imbalance which allows the body to become susceptible to these energies mentioned.
This Awareness reminds entities that you are surrounded by different vibratory rates, with dimensions overlapping into this dimension; and that many of those on the Inner dimensions are capable of having technologies that cut through dimensions and affect things on this plane.
This Awareness indicates there have been certain technologies on this plane, whereby rays are capable of creating this same type of phenomenon. This Awareness indicates these as death rays; and in some cases, these may be responsible, as victims of the test of this Ray. This Awareness indicates these in reference to rays created by the military for military purposes.
Remember...Believe nothing, doubt, and investigate, examine and explore for yourself...WHAT IS truth, for you.
She was pinched and pulled, she said;
And he, by Friar's lantern led. ~ John Milton
~from his poem, L'Allegro
*there is no debate
It is not often that a Skeptic can experience the sensation of fulfilment that comes with seeing one of our areas of interest finally laid to rest, but some of us must have felt it when we viewed Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC) on ABCTV (Nov 11). Originally produced for the BBC, the programme went somewhat further than a similar programme of several years ago and may well have provided the final explanation for a long-term mystery.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, throughout history there have been cases of the remains of people being found, usually in closed rooms, with the majority of their bodies reduced to ash, only some outlying pieces, like the lower legs, remaining unconsumed, and with no serious damage to the other contents of the room.
This phenomenon had been quite baffling to fire investigators until recent
years and, given that human beings are such curious animals, this mystery
has spawned many strange explanations. They range from the moderately
sublime to the patently ridiculous. On one end of this spectrum, it
has been seriously suggested that a build-up of methane in the intestines
be, in rare cases, somehow ignited by enzyme activity. This suggestion was
laid to rest in the earlier programme by a physiologist pointing out that
such an effect would surely have shown up in a rash of cattle bursting into
flames, that species being far more prolific methane generators than human
beings. At the other end of the spectrum were suggestions of some sort
of unknown cosmic energies (that staple of the crank pseudoscientist) being
Indeed the notion that human beings spontaneously burst into flames has
never had much going for it and in almost every reported case, there has
been a very obvious source of ignition present. But the phenomenon retained
its mystery because of the almost total reduction of a human body to ash.
Sober forensic anatomists were attracted to the idea of a purely localised
fire, started by a careless cigarette or contact with an open fire, slowly
consuming the body, with clothing or bedding acting as a wick, and body fat
acting as fuel. This appeared to be a reasonable explanation, though
there seemed to be some confounding evidence. Fire investigators pointed
out that even after very fierce domestic fires, human remains were still
recognisably human and, though badly charred, sufficient parts of the bodies
remained to establish the cause of death. Other evidence was
adduced that after cremations, in which bodies had been subjected to very
high temperatures, bones still had to be reduced to granules in a ball mill,
because bones tend to be quite fire-resistant.
This programme followed an experiment conducted by Dr John de Haan, of
the California Criminalistics Institute, who had investigated a real murder
case in which a body was found burning, unusually for 'SHC' cases in that
it was found outdoors. In his experiment, the carcase of a fully grown pig
(selected because pigs and humans have similar fat distribution) was
wrapped in a blanket, deposited on a carpet, and set alight in circumstances
that matched those in various 'SHC' cases.
And a remarkable demonstration it turned out to be. After some time,
when common sense should have told us that all the blanket and carpet should
have been reduced to ash, we could see pig fat bubbling from the carcase,
soaking the charred material, thus acting exactly as a candle wick. It maintained
a hot, though low-flame, fire and it kept doing so for hours.
After around five hours the mystery of the bones began to unravel. The bone
marrow (about 80% fat) was contributing to keeping the fire going, and was
leading to the reduction of the bones themselves to ash. And the element
that is missing in crematoria is present in these cases - time. Cremations
last about 1.5 hours, but in 'SHC' cases the fire burns for many, many
The mystery of why lower limbs so often remained after one of these fires,
was explained by the low fat content of these parts and their remoteness from
the seat of the fire - there is not much fat in shins and feet to sustain
this sort of fire. Why rooms in which such fires occurred showed certain
classical signs - nearby items not being burnt, TV sets and wall clocks showing
signs of melting, but not of burning, was accounted for by the low intensity
and localised nature of the fire, leading to a very hot
layer of gas products in the upper part of the room. The fire
is localised to the body and its immediate environment, heat builds up, but
it is not enough to cause other items to ignite, only to scorch or melt.
Of course, there must be many other cases that start in similar circumstances,
in which other parts of the room do catch alight and then you have a classic
house fire. But no one has ever suggested that there is anything mysterious
about houses catching fire and the occupants being burnt to death - careless
cigarette smoking in bed, electrical faults, arson - all have plenty of substantiated
cases. Only in very rare cases have physical circumstances allowed
the fire to remain localised and has
there been sufficient time for the body to have been reduced to ashes (in
almost every case where SHC has been offered as an explanation, the victim
has been alone in the house).
This was a classic example of good science; making an hypothesis and testing it. And this test showed exactly what the hypothesis had predicted, and so should set at rest at least one of the myths that has exercised the minds of some who would invest the world with unexplainable energies or other mysterious factors.
One other item of note, was that this particular belief may very well be culturally specific. We are often asked if some paranormal beliefs are peculiar to one country or another, and, outside of the obvious ones, it is difficult to determine if this is the case. However, in this case, we may have a partial answer. Dr Dominic Dehane, a forensic scientists at the Police Science Laboratory in Toulouse, when asked about SHC cases in France, said: "It is only in America and Great Britain that people believe in the myth of spontaneous human combustion. In the rest of the world we never hear about that."
As Skeptics we should be happy that there is one fewer fronts on which to carry on the struggle, but it would be an optimist indeed who believed this will be the case. No one who has invested so much of his personal belief into inventing the notion of mysterious cosmic energies is likely to be deterred by mere evidence.
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