In case you missed to watch the film, catch "A2-B-C" at the Newburyport Documentary Film Festival at the Firehouse Center for the Arts in Massachussets in USA on Sunday, September, 22nd. More details at
A large number of Fukushima children have shown thyroid abnormality since the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident. The first case of thyroid cancer in a child was reported about a year ago. Now, 44 have been diagnosed as malignant cases.
In "A2-B-C", the Fukushima parents and children tell you their stories about how radiation changed their lives. The parents educate themselves about radioation poisoning, raise concerns to others and support one another. For what? To protect their children. These families are brave enough to come out to tell YOU what is really taking place in Fukushima.
The goverment tells evacuees to return to Fukushima. They tell residents to remain in Fukushima. Is it really safe to live there?
One Fukushima mother says, "Staying in Fukushima is as same as murdering our children."
Hibakusha (people who were exposed to radiation due to nuclear bombs and nuclear power plant accidents) suffer prejudice in Japan. It must have been a difficult decision for these families to appear in the film, but they did. Director Ian Thomas Ash earned their trust and is on their side every step of their way.
"I am drawn to the people who are not listened to and who do not have a voice", says Ash.
Hermann Joseph Muller, the nobel prize winner in 1946, vigorously promoted public awareness of the dangers of radiation to future generations. Experts in Japan, however, continue to deny relationship between radiation and growing numbers of thyroid cancers among Fukushima children.
"All of humanity is in this together, and we have a responsibility to the future generations." Time has come to listen to Director Ash and take care of the job we left off decades ago
"There is radiation in what we grow. We feel guilty about selling it to our consumers. There is no joy of harvest any more", a farmer from Fukushima exclaims. He volunteered to decontaminate the rice field with other farmers. But the radiation level hasn't gone down. "The environment hasn't changed at all since the explosion.", he continues.
The Farmers will not eat the food they grow.
Now they are admitting meltdown and also that they have found plutionium outside the reactors - but in typical damage control are saying that the levels are "safe". Safe plutionium levels? There is no such thing as one tiny particle is enough to cause fatal cancer. They had best do a Chernobyl type concrete pour and encasement as soon as possible or Japan and perhaps the whole northern hemisphere could be truly fookled!
Meanwhile, just a tiny fraction of all that arid and desolate land in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico has enough sunlight falling on it to provide a large majority of the energy needs of our country into the forseeable future.
But the solutions I keep seeing presented are for the most part to have less regulations on deep water drilling (never mind how little we can trust industry to police itself or long it takes to go from exploratory drilling to actual production), use more coal, etc. Isn't it odd to see virtually every clean renewable option for energy be labelled as inefficient and only the forms which can be controlled by industry and profitted from are touted as viable.
Do you think it is any coincidence that the author of that first article - Paul Driessen, who has never seen a single alternative energy source he liked - is a consultant for Exxon-Mobil, the mining industry and the big oil front group Committe for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)? Isn't that kind of like a consultant for Merck writing about the uselessness of natural alternatives to vaccines?
What do you think the odds are that there is not, nor will not ever be, one single viable alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power that can be controlled by big energy and the global elites? C'mon big guy, you gotta throw a mostly-reformed tree hugger at least a bone or two.
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