LifeWave has been around 20 years, their only possible method to sale to public was/is using human to human, because their product takes allot of time to teach--no website, no store could ever sale their products---no one would understand what they are buying---so they had no choice but to use people to people---SALES where each teacher, makes a % of the sales and all sales can be RETAIL, but to get wholesale they have to sign up at least once and they them selves never ever sale to another--in fact, the company sales, the person normally never sales--that way, the company handles all the $$ and if a customer decides they do not like their product, they refund 100% of the $ and the people do not deal with the $$--
commonly called pyramid sales and 95% of people hate those types of sales---even though everything sold, always involves a sales person ---common people prefer paying all profits to the company and not involve none company employees.
That said---the "inventor" of LifeWave believes his simple patches does wonders...and 10+ years ago endless scientist tried to prove or disprove the lifewave patches--all the patents approved are immense ---used for every mammal, etc. from new borns to the elderly, animals, dogs, horses etc.
Their patches are said to be activated by the skin heat has a battery like substance/cystals that last about 12-24 hours max.....and the substance suppose to reflect the body's light back into the body that activates stem cells/cells to response with millions/billions of gets extremely complicated and that is why so many scientist have studied them for many years..
the tiny patches are SEALED, so nothing enters the human...
some people wear them on their clothing and say they get the same results. Saying the patches are a "frequency" device and LIGHT ENERGY device..
Naturally they have 1,000's of online videos by people showing they become younger, cure this, cure that, cure all, via stimulated stem cells.
Such a bandaid could never ever be sold in a store, because not 1 human could have a clue what they were buying and in fact, those that do such sales as a business, they are still learning and most barely understand it, even if they have the best of best books and watch endless videos and join groups that do zoom calls every week world wide..
at least 95% of people that try a patch, will never try enough to have a clue what they are doing--unless they read allot and watch allot..
"IF" they listen to the inventor he constantly says "1" patch did it all for many years----and all other patches are support patches--- "IF" just 1 new patch was used each new morning, the self-experimenter will spend about $3 per day.....
they all say the patches "die" in 12-24 hours----------
NOT ONE CAN PROVE THAT, same as not one can prove any patch is activated / live for 12-24 hours......they say the patch reflects light back into the body, the higher ups say a specific frequency and each new patch has a different frequency. When the crystal battery dies, the frequency stops emitting---but not one could prove a frequency exist----NO TESTING DEVICE EXIST or they would show it.
They sale in 80+ countries in each country, some high paid person is in charge and naturally that is where all goes bad---with each person in charge of their area----it drives "more" products for sale, so they all make more $$$
The reason they are successful and one of the best of their kind in the world is that they pay back a huge % of each sale to their top sales people---the top sales people make allot of $$$ and get allot of free stuff, trips etc...they reward their workers very well. The owner wants all his sales people to make enough $$ that it becomes their only job and by doing so, many make more $$ than they could have doing any other job in the world...the inventor/only has larger goals, he wants to help the entire world in many different ways, just just their health.
That all said---not 1 can prove their patch dies in 12-24 can not be "measured", it interacts with the "LIGHT" coming out of the body---the patch is a LIGHT ENERGY NANO surely cost them about 2 pennies to mass produce it. 80$ of their patches cost about $1.50 each wholesale, which proves they must cost about a penny or 2 at most.. at $1.50 they can pay their sales people allot of $$$, but with out those sales people, they could never sale a patch to anyone---they could never understand it.
1 example sales people may do is do a muscle test on a new person by standing on 1 leg and push down on their arms to loose balance---then apply any patch anywhere on the clothing and the person becomes 50% stronger instantly----in theory that patch is on a coat, it can not be activated by skin heat in 5 seconds-----so they say it works as fast as LIGHT can be reflected back into the body-----(not via battery).
They all want you to pitch the patch daily and put on new ones...........that is NICE!!!
YET, you can take a used patch a year old and it still obtains the exact same result when placed on a shirt, coat, etc...
So I like following what the inventor says often---it all started with just 1 patch daily! So I apply 1 new one daily, but I keep my old patches and may have 10+ on anything that may possibly hurt for any reason and the OLD PATCHES WORK just fine, you just have to be inventive on how to apply them once they have been used...I have been experimenting with old used patches for a year and naturally no one teaching people to buy patches likes the idea of reusing them---they make no $$ when old patches are used over and over...
The books made by doctors/chiropractors/acupuncturist about patch placement / use / expectations are NICE and made by them to increase sales---the inventor never writes those books--even though the books may not be wrong, but they aid in sales of all the support patches---
CAMERAs that capture human LIGHT / ENERGY really do not exist outside the lab---computerized cameras create what the people want to see---a true LIGHT CAPTURING CAMERA cost more than a person could afford or just does not exist----such cameras that can show an arm that had been cut off years before-----the LIGHT / ENERGY is there, but the arm is gone---try to buy one of those type cameras and if they do truly exist, the price would be enormous...
The Third Book of God explained every human has 1 angel on each side---2 Angels-----a miss-translation , the angels are 2 pillars of LIGHT, seen today with special cameras...the human body, being "compressed" light and the human conscious remotely controls the body from far far away----while the human subconscious maintains the physical body---controls all...
Those that study LIGHT ENERGY believe the only possible path is LIGHT ENERGY and not drugs/operations......some cancer drs around the world believe in THE BLUE ROOM treatments---an alien tech. Treating humans with specific blue light.
The LIFEWAVE PATCH is a nano tech light/frequency device----the inventor made a water machine that inserts oxygen, light, frequencies into water-------you simply pour in 12
oz water, wait an hour and when the 12
ounces comes out---drink it......he believes that water device will change the world....they are mass producing them for 80 countries----his top 30 sales people he gave them a free machine to have now...he believes every human will feel energy, wellness within 30 seconds and oxygen alone would achieve that....but he believes it will change the world---that WATER TECH
WATER NANO TECH that is used to make computer ships---WATER MEMORY is the future of human health...
manipulated water with healing light, healing frequencies..