A voice of reason in a sea of logic...
"Laws" are not magic.
Contrary to the propaganda that is taught in government regulated public schools, broadcast over government regulated mass media, and distributed via government regulated newspapers, disarming good people will not make anyone safe except for criminals.
To prove this is as easy as answering the following questions:
1) Are lawbreakers disarmed by laws banning guns? (e.g. is a law magic?)
2) Is everyone who obeys such laws disarmed by them?
If the answer to (1) is No, and the answer to (2) is yes, then does it not follow that those who obey such laws are simply asking to be victims of those who do not?
The primary reason that such things are passed are as follows:
1) To make ignorant people feel safe
2) To disarm the populace so that government agencies might subjugate them
If you doubt (1), ask yourself:
A) At any point in time, if you were jumped by someone intent on causing you harm, is there a policeman close enough to protect you?
B) Have courts held that police have a specific duty to protect individual people?
A little thought will show that A is not true and a little research will show that B is no. This means that not only are police not required to protect you if they happen to be in the area, but that unless you have the tools to fend off your attacker or attackers, you are likely in trouble.
As for (2) above, a quick review of history shows clearly that every government that has decided to subjugate or exterminate segments of its population has first disarmed them as best it could.
Anywise, food for thought.