(Note: Although I personally channel the God Consciousness or what has been called ALL THAT IS, the following message was channeled by another person named Paul, which was a friend and teacher.)
This Awareness indicates that this is associated with forces that are unseen on this plane of reality, which can emit a kind of ‘Ray’.
This Awareness indicates these forces being of a nature whereby they can emit a ray toward a particular individual and this creates an internal combustion, this not to unlike the microwave oven and its affect on who placed within it. This Awareness indicates that like wise, this particular type of Ray affects the chemicals within one’s body; these being rays of a much shorter frequency than the microwave.
This Awareness indicates these affecting the body from the inside out, through a manipulation of the chemicals within, so that these chemicals are altered and become volatile. This Awareness indicates that it simply cooks the entity from the inside; and the heat, when reaching the surface, bursts into flame. This Awareness indicates there are many reasons for these forces having the use of this against others. In some cases, the victim has been under a contract, perhaps several lifetimes previously, to some force, and is not fulfilling that contract.
In other cases, the entity is a threat to these Dark Forces, and therefore are prime targets. This Awareness indicates that those who are protecting themselves with the Pure Light of the Christ Consciousness are generally relatively safe from these rays. This Awareness indicates that this as that which may be equated to the “Malevolent 7 ray, or death ray, which is often use from other dimensions against entities upon this plane; these being used by Dark Forces against those who are threats to the Forces of Darkness and who are not keeping their Light in the highest order. This Awareness indicates that alcohol can be a contributing factor in creating the chemical imbalance which allows the body to become susceptible to these energies mentioned.
This Awareness reminds entities that you are surrounded by different vibratory rates, with dimensions overlapping into this dimension; and that many of those on the Inner dimensions are capable of having technologies that cut through dimensions and affect things on this plane.
This Awareness indicates there have been certain technologies on this plane, whereby rays are capable of creating this same type of phenomenon. This Awareness indicates these as death rays; and in some cases, these may be responsible, as victims of the test of this Ray. This Awareness indicates these in reference to rays created by the military for military purposes.
Remember...Believe nothing, doubt, and investigate, examine and explore for yourself...WHAT IS truth, for you.
She was pinched and pulled, she said;
And he, by Friar's lantern led. ~ John Milton
~from his poem, L'Allegro
*there is no debate
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