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Jill Ayn Schneider

Director of Circle of Life Holistic Programs

Delray Beach, FL   Northern Florida

San Diego, CA

Amatlan de Canas, Mexico

 (561) 638-8873  EST

31 Years After being diagnosed with
Malignant Cervical Cancer

 Learn about Jill's E-Book called

Romancing Life: An Alternative to Cancer


Background: Jill Ayn Schneider began her professional career as a school teacher in New York State during the late 1960's.  During a time when civil rights and anti-war sentiments filled the hearts and minds of her generation, she impacted the lives of hundreds of children and their families in her suburban classroom.  Her teaching styles were progressive, creative, somewhat outrageous, but mostly sensitive to the self-esteem issues so necessary for others to learn and to be successful.  She has never seen herself as the typical authority figure, but rather a person whose methods of discovery involve a sincere enthusiasm in her interaction with the world and with others. Jill's hope for a better world is very evident in her TV project with children called Annie Sunbeam and Friends, an animated cartoon series she is presently promoting.

Her Master:  In 1973, Jill went to Nepal and India, where she met her teacher, Prem Rawat, also known as "Maharaji".  She received The Knowledge, while in India, and has practiced for the past 33 years.  Her inner journey has been the most important element affecting the way she lives her life.  It has given her the capacity to live moment to moment, like a child, but with both feet planted in the material world as well.  She says, "Without Maharaji, I wouldn't like my life as much as I do."  I have been given a simple way to go inside and connect to that magic called Love.  Read more....

Her Illness: In 1975 Jill was diagnosed with Malignant Cervical Cancer.  She refused all Western Medical treatments and pursued study and alternative practices of Macrobiotics, Yoga, Meditation, Metaphysics, Affirmations, Music and Massage.  Jill quit her stressful job working as an activity counselor with the mentally ill, and went hiking in the Andes Mountains. Four months later back in Miami, she tested negative for all cancer.  Three years later she gave birth to her son, Aaron, now 28.

Jill's Juice Fasting Healings: In 1991 Jill was diagnosed with a fibroid tumor in her uterus, the size of a lemon.  She fasted for two weeks on juices, then retested.  The tumor has shrunk to the size of her thumb nail.  

Jill's Raw Food Healings:  In 2002, Jill began to eat 90% raw vegan food. As a massage therapist and guitarist she knew that her days using her hands might be limited because of severe arthritis.  Within two years, the arthritis in her hands went away.  She is now able to continue doing massage and play her beautiful songs on her guitar.

Massage Therapist and friend of Bo Diddley:  In 1981, Jill worked for Bo Diddley as a therapist and all around helper in his home.  Aaron, four at the time, and Jill lived in a 17 foot travel travel on Bo's back 40 with the cows and snakes.  Jill learned as much as she could about the music business and just had a great time working for THE MAN.  Here is a recent photo of Jill and Bo backstage at one of his concerts.  She is giving him a massage and having a ball.

He is still traveling all over the world and entertaining at 78.  What an inspiration!

For the past 30 years, she has developed her own skills as a bodyworker, yoga instructor, juice fasting and raw food consultant, musician and singer-songwriter. Over the past four years her juice fasting coaching business has tripled.  Her ability to gently guide people into a nutritious and delicious liquid diet of organic fruits and vegetables improves with each client. Many of her clients return home still on the fast and continue on their own for up to a week or two. All of her skills are incorporated into the retreat programs.  Wait until you hear her play and sing with her guitar.  She's quite an entertainer.

Author:  See her 1997 article about the cancer in Natural Health Magazine.  She was also published in More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul, a compilation of soulful stories  by Arielle Ford in 1999. She has self-published her first e-book about her challenge with cancer and a CD of healing songs called Romancing Life: An Alternative to Cancer Her adventurous and passionate life is documented in words and song with great clarity, passion and humor.  

Email Jill to be placed on her mailing list for retreat, book/CD or receiving her newsletter (4-6 times per year).  Free 15 minute Consultation - Call (561) 638-8873 for further information.

Jill Ayn Schneider

31 Years After being diagnosed with 

Malignant Cervical Cancer

e-mail or call (561) 638-8873 EST


Romancing Life: An Alternative to Cancer

I wrote this book so that I could more clearly understand the process that cleared me of malignant cervical cancer in 1975.  I listened to what it was that my body, mind and spirit required.  I went for life. The pages of this book contain both a spiritual philosophy and a do-it-yourself primer on how to heal oneself of disease.

Along with this uplifting and practical book is a CD of 12 original songs which will open your heart and if you sing along - your lungs at the same time.  

If you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, or any cancer, you owe it to yourself to research alternative means of healing yourself.  is your first stop.  Much of this information is not encouraged by the medical profession, but it can be found and you must look for it.  

Here are two testimonials of women who I counseled.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer.   The doctors boldly insisted upon a hysterectomy.  I knew within my heart that invasive surgery was not for me.  So, instead I searched for an alternative method - one that was natural.  I knew that this would require me to take total responsibility for my own health.  At the same time, I was being pushed in many directions by doctors and by my family.  I needed to take action fast, but at times all of the input was very confusing.  That’s when I was led to Jill Schneider. After speaking with her, and reading her story of triumph over cancer, I was able to find the courage within myself to begin my own journey of healing from within.  Knowing that she had recovered naturally gave me strength to do the same.  I am now a survivor of cancer for 3 years and going strong.  I have great appreciation for Jill and for the stand she takes in life, each day guiding others towards a natural way of living and healing. She truly is an inspiration for me and for many others to follow.      Jodi V.  2002

Well, six months later...I am writing to you to say a huge thank you.  Thank you seems very lame, but I really mean a deep, sincere, grateful thank you.  My pre-cancerous lesion is shrinking and my results actually came back normal!  The doctor thinks within a year I should be okay if I continue this way!  Thank you, thank you thank you, you are such an angel.  Melanie, New York City  2003


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