Dorn Method Forum
Dieter Dorn, the founder of this method, developed it as a true self help method which is much more than a mere form of therapy. In the Dorn Method the patient learns about the cause of problems, receives a gentle, safe and very effective treatment and learns how to continue the therapy for lasting results by its own with simple self help exercises that require little time.
So in principle a Dorn Method practitioner is teaching someone how to apply the Dorn Method.
In the Dorn Method only gentle manual adjustments are done with the hands and without any tools or medication or surgery.
Comparrison of Chiropractic and Dorn-method Chiropractic DORN-Method
- abrupt, fast corrections - gentle, sensitive corrections - uses traction (stretching) - uses gentle pressure only (No traction!) - correction in static position - correction in a dynamic (motion) - surprises the muscles - diverts the muscles attention - very few repetitions possible - unlimited repetitions possible - patient stays passive - patient cooperates actively - numerous contra-indications - very few contra-indications - some risk - almost no risk (if done the Dorn Method way!) - long training period required - very short training period (usually a few days only) - Pre-Knowledge required - No Pre-Knowledge required - Few explanations to patient - Detailed explanations to patient - No Self Help Exercises - Numerous Self Help Exercises
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