Share your personal experience and recommend your favorite practitioner:
- Holistic Therapist
- Doctor
- Herbalist
- Dentist
- Naturopath
- Homeopath
- Osteopath
- Chiropractor
- Reflexologist
- Acupunture, Acupressure, Moxa, Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Shiatsu
- Yumeiho
- Hellinger’s Therapy
- Psychologist
- Shaman
- Healer
- and any other health professional who you have first hand experience.
Please, try always to supply main contact info:
Name, address, phone & web site URL.
In the Subject of your message include:
What? + City + Country/State
For example:
Dentist in Washington DC
Chiropractor in London, UK
Shiatsu therpist in New York, USA
Reflexologist in Berlin, Germany
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