Reiki Healing Forum
Just for today, anger not, worry not, be grateful and humble, do your (spiritual) work with appreciation, be kind to all.
The Reiki Principles The Secret Method of Inviting Blessings.
The spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses.
For today only anger not, worry not.
Be Grateful and humble
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all.
In the morning and at night,
with hands held in prayer,
Think this in your mind,
chant this with your mouth.
The Usui Reiki Method
to change your mind and body for the better
-- Mikao Usui
Also as explanation...
Do your work with appreciation refers to working steadfastly on yourself. Working with diligence and effort to see those things that are not healed in you and to release the conditionings that cause your suffering.
Some may wonder what is meant by "anger not, worry not". This does not mean do not be angry, or do not worry, but something radically different. The principles are from the Meiji Emperor, and have been part of Buddhist tradition. Anger is an attachment, a demand that we, others or world conditions not be as they *are*, but as our wants desires and conditionings think they need or should be. Your focus determines your reality; where your awareness is, there you are. If your awareness is on anger not, you might begin to see (afterward a happening and your reaction at first, during a happening while you react later, and eventually before your reaction occurs) the conditionings you use to create this anger in yourself. At this
point you can indeed anger not because you see the ego and conditionings that create anger in the first place, and are free to respond to the situation as it *is*, rather than react to what you wanted it to be.
When we anger ourselves over what happens, what another does or does not, we create this anger for ourselves. Our conditionings (beliefs) do this for us automatically. One name some give for these conditionings is ego.
Usui, as well as the meiji emperor, taught to say the principles daily, morning and at night and before treating self and others. The principles encourage mindfulness, that is staying in the moment, that is paying attention to these conditionings.
Your focus determines your reality. Where awareness is, there you are. Be mindful of the principles.
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning "Universal Life-Force-Energy". The "Ki" part is the same word as Chi or Qi, the Chinese word for the energy which underlies everything. Reiki is a system for channeling that energy to someone for the purpose of healing. It was discovered by Dr. Usui in the late 1800's, a teacher or perhaps dean of a Christian school in Japan.
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