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Stomach Ulcer & Helicobacter Pylori Support Forum
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Last Message  6 y

Stomach Ulcer & Helicobacter Pylori Support Forum

Message Board for all talk related to Helicobacter Pylori, Stomach Ulcer, Natural Remedies & Cures. In this forum you can share your story and your experience, ask questions, give answers, support others or get support.

Discussion about herbs: Cayenne, garlic, tobacco leaves, Strawberry leaves, Myrrh (Commiphora Myrrha), Black Walnut, wormwood, cloves, Echinacea, apple seeds, apricot seeds, Golden seal, Pau d'arco, Bearberry, Burdock, Gentian root, Quinine, colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide, parasites cleanse, ... For your information, there is also another forum here called
GERD & Gastroenterology forum.

Forum Link1: Helicobacter Pylori Homepage
Forum Link2: Human Microbiota Transplantation Therapy


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