"Im a little concerned about worms reaching that size, specially elswhere in the body where they do not belong, but rather wreck havoc."
It's information to have, but don't consume yourself with those kind of thoughts. It's not worth thinking about.
"I've had friends who went to the doc with expelled worms and all they said is that
Im a little concerned about worms reaching that size, specially elswhere in the body where they do not belong, but rather wreck havoc.
its no bid deal and no need to worry, basically to leave it alone and pretend you never saw it."
Unreal! Does that mean ignore the problem when they're moving around too? Hmmm... hard to do, especially the biting sensations.
"If they knew what was hiding in their own guts, ha!"
Perhaps they do know and they'd rather deny the problem. Wrayc had made a post on the P Forum, that when he went to med school they suggested not to disturb the parasites because it will cause problems. Despite this I rather have them out than in!