MH 108
Why don't you see blood when you do a liver cleanse???? Many believe the liver is the blood cleansing organ and today it is, because the stomach is loaded 24/7 with junk food.
Organs expel waste.
Just as your tongue cleanses your blood 24/7 and the reason it looks/smells differant in the morning after no food for 7-8 hours. When fasting the tongue/stomach/liver often turn white. This is the chem trail crap being expelled from the body along with the other sources of toxic aluminum and titanium dioxide population control chemicals in our air/water/food.
The body is being killed 24/7 on purpose of all governments in this world, which dates back 2,000 years when the pope declared war so he could be GOD. The catholics rule this world under a variety of names which over 20,000 sister branchs and the reason 2 countries have been murdered with depleted uranium is that they have steady denied the catholic way and such people are slaughtered via deadly poisons that destroy their lands for all time to come.
Years ago they would hunt you down and tie you to the IRON STAKE and out wood on you and burn you alive, because the catholics have a thing about spilling blood. Today they do it by use of chemicals/germ warfare and have no problem killing their own kind that are not in their elete groups. The elete take their anti-dotes that started back with Eisenhower and the outlawing of private gold ownership.
Today Japan has marble banks stuffed to the roof with GOLD!! The gold is a metal that use to be a backing for mason money system, that system has been replaced by computers. Since world war II, the gold has been used as an antidote and only the super rich have stock piles of it and they passed laws to get it out of the slaves hands. BOOK II explains "why" they believe gold is the antidote for their alumunum war upon the world that they learned from hitler's experiments in Poland.
Gold will kill them in other ways. The cure is our stomach/tongue and liver, they will expel the poisons when permitted to do so and "they" know this, so "they" force the manufacturers of food to add more and more metal to the foods, dirty politicians poison our city water and the pentagon poisons our air 24/7. In their retarded minds they believe to murder all is doing this world a favor; this I heard out of the lips of a west point man that sprayed deadly chemicals on India back in the 1960s.
People will live a very, very, very long time if they are not poisoned. To this day, I have never seen a human die unless in an accident or posioned by drugs.