This is day 14 milly but it is the last day. Yesterday was a horror getting everything ready for the inspection. Really played havoc with the fast. I feel like I worked the hardest day of my life! I couldn't get to sleep for half the night and still had to get up early to finish up this morning. So I'll break the fast properly as soon as the kids get up. I'll go get some lemons for
juicing to be followed by melons and hopefully some raspberries. And later some other juicy fruits like mandarins and pineapple. Whatever I can find that looks really ripe anyway, and keep going with that for at least a week before I add salads. Make sure things are working properly first. Then after the requisite two weeks are up I'll reassess how I'm feeling and see where to go from there.
It's fantastic you're on day six and the best you've done so far! Keep it up! It's really liberating getting past those initial few days, it's one thing knowing or believing that it can be done but actually doing it for yourself is undeniable proof. :) Well done.