The shows they show on PBS have shown Japan is notoriuous for BLACK BALLING employees and their familys for life and thats the practice Honda tried when they came to Ohio.
If anything the codes helped the vets get jobs, the factories maybe "hired" the loosers on purpose, to get the FREE CASH from the government and then hav an excuse to fire them and hire new ones. The guy in the video made it CLEAR, HE ONLY "USED" the possibily idea of the code as an excuse and has done this for HOW MANY YEARS!!!!
Vets that want to work have no trouble working, the ones that spend the rest of their lives begging for free hand outs, get no where past the bottle. I live in Little Japan and HONDA has treated all their employees worse than trash for 20 years, they have zero use for you when their chemicals make you too ill to work. "IF" you don't play ball 100% with them, they fire you and PAY BIG $$$$ to have a guy come in after hours and ERASE YOU from ever working for them...they remove your name from every source within their building and you will not work at any of their sister plants anywhere ever.....they are extremely dominating and pay NO TAXES or LICENSES for all the trucks used to haul their products, the state bends over backwards for them. This is identical how the shows have portrayed life in Japan, the day you question the boss is they day you never work again. Naturally if you kiss their butt, you have no problems an this goes for all manufacturers looking for such leaders to be over the normal employee that has a life outside the factory. I know for a fact, the employees that become group leaders and above, all signed papers stating they would "OBEY" no questions asked and many of my buddies worked 7+ years 7 days a week never seeing the sun outside the factory. Most got divorced from such a life and no manufacturer in the country has ever entrapped the divorced female worker like HONDA did, my buddy was a vice president and set in on their dirty deeds, after 20 years they canned him as well, stating he could no longer climb the ladder and be non-japanese, so in Japanese style, he was fired for not being able to excell any further.
VETS GET SCREWED, thats the ISSUE and they get screwed the DAY they signed up! They accepted to be vaccinated beyond belief. My brother was drafted in the vietnaum erra and was given over 40 shots and never left the USA. He was made to watch American made videos of white women being beaten and raped by vietmanese actors as a method to get the white sodliers to hate the vietmanese and kill them all and let God sorth the good ones out in the morning. I worked for 30 years with a large selection of vets from Vietnaum, I personally trained allot of them in on the job and most were damaged from the war and few lasted past 90 days. NONE ever mentioned any codes and who could are less, surely not the personal offices that get free money to train them. THEY GOT JOBS when non vets were denied jobs, because uncle sam never offers to help them by paying a factory to hire them.
The guy in the video looked as though the only job he could do is set in an over sized chair, but that is NOT HIS PROBLEM, his problem is he has whined about things that happened long ago and allowed this to ruin his life. Vets since naum have been poisoned so badly that they have came home on leave and breathed toxic air from heir own lungs that ended the lives of their babies and sometimes their wives. Many today know they can never have a normal healthy child because of the vaccines they stick their arm out and allow it to happen. Vets today are a result of WAR on this world, a RACE WAR that has zero to do with the lies they spread on TV. It takes soldiers to continue this race destruction, with out soldiers there are no armies to declare war on innocent women/children/men. Wars in the past 50 years have had no cause and that is why vets get no respect.
I personally would not want to live near a vet and would warn anyone from marrying one and surely have no children. A man I know now has been called to go to Iraq, even though he had served his volunterred time. He has a young wife and told her I guess we ain't having any children and has no problem ruining not only his life, but the wife of his young bride. HIS SISTER is no smarter, she is marrying a vet this fall!!! He already has viruses that are controllable and on heavy meds and she's willing to destroy her life for him and neither one has a clue other than to continue more drugs.
I DON'T want a doctor, a nurse, a soldier or anyone who has been heavily vaccinated and a 100% positive carrier of deadly germs that come out of their mouth with every breath. Those that understand the 1918 flue that was not a flue, but a result of returning soldiers who entered their home towns and allowed their breathe to kill nearly 50 million innocent babies/women and men, many of who are burried in mass unmarked graves! INNOCENT HUMANS that have no grave marker and were burried as diseased horrors.
Those that can't open their eyes stumble endlessly as victims. If one is killed as a result of war, 5 are killed as a result of being innocent victims of war. All vets, 100% are victims, all forever damaged from the drugs/chemicals they were subjected to. Many are so damaged they turn on their parents when they return home, so drugged they are differant people, never to be the same again.
Nothing good has ever came out of war, it never ends, it started 2,000 years ago and gotten worse as man has learned how to use germs/metals/frequencies. Those that join - up should know what they are getting in for and you would think that by now, they should know better than to depend on governments to care for then after they have been used. If they want that life, then they should know the hard luck that comes by doing it and if they harmed people while in service, then when they think they have it ruff, they should think about those they killed. My experience has been that these people NEVER EVER get over killing another human and many live ruiened lives. My uncles killed massive amounts of Korean Soldiers to the point their machine guns melted and their lives were a mass, they never got over it.
The one thing I know to be true, vets get jobs just as well as anyone else, if not more so because governments pay to have them trained and I don't believe the crap this guy in the video is suggesting at all, if anything, he got canned because he was a whiner rather than a worker and it had zero to do with being a vet. Once grown up, you can't keep blaming your past, in the long run you will learn NO ONE CARES about those who don't want to work and spent their life with their hand out for free $$$.
The fact of life is GOD judges each human for each thought they have and act they fullfill, judgement is instant and each a result of their own actions. NO ONE is innocent, they are a result of their own making. You get pushed out, you keep working until you make your own way in life, if you stop and whine about how "you" got screwed, then you end up in your own past. If we ever think we have it so bad, just think about the 10% innocent prisoners in federal jails coast to coast, the CIA knows for a fact, crooked sherrifs with their crooked judges have jailed approx. 10% innocent people in an effort to keep their crooked buddies out of jail. People get the short end of the stick more often than not, when THEY DON'T WORK and make up excuses why they didn't make it.
Vets from the USA joined on their own for their own reasons and they are a result of their own making, the same as everyone else. We learn from our mistakes if we live long enough to do so. In the case of the vet, they acan't undue their past very easily, even if they never killed anyone, they allowed their bodies to be filled with vaccines and they must forever deal with it and their children must deal with it, etc., etc. If they expect uncle sam to help them after they are used, then they were not very educated, because vets have been screwed since world war I. If the vets today didn't learn from the vietnaum war, then they can't be trained any differant and want what they get.
I know the guys that do make out in war, its the ones that came from west point and the likes. When they retire, their government connections lands them opportunities that they can make millions from and usually they make the $$$$ from other acts of terrorism, one such guy I know got the contract to put survellance cameras on planes after 9/11, even though he just gets the $$$$$$$$ while companies do it via his connections to generals, etc. The top brass are well taken care of, they have their fingers deep in the rebuilding of things they have blown up and we the tax payers fill their pockets; if we want to or not and the innocent people die so they can fill their bank accounts. The soldier is USED, if he/she doesn't know that by now, they need not whine about their job, no one is listening, people are too dog eat dog to care, they have been trained in schools to be out for them selves and care about no one else. They are trained to want $$$ and trained to take it regardless the needs of the poor. Companies do not care about their employees after they are no longer making the company a profit, those days are long gone. Today companies are not owned by familys, they are corporations that pay their leaders based on profits. The human factor is long gone, humans are seen as numbers, all humans have a number. With dairy cows when the production level goes down to a certain point, the cow is relieved of its number and removed from the barn and replaced with a younger more productive cow...working today is no differant, there are thousands wanting your job and the corporations know it. In the USA this happens most under republican leadership, they desire to bust the unions and enslave the people and have done so and like war, all of which makes their factories more business.
The blind just ignore life and fall into one trap after another and can't see past the present day and can't understand the past, they just exist and then wonder why they die so early in life. A few escape and have eyes to follow a path away from such things and seek freedom and have little to whine about, because they learned from their past mistakes. People that are workers, work. The others have time to whine how they got screwed and all should feel sorry for them. The old dope commercials showed 30 year old men acting like young boys still living in their mother's house, their brains so fried on drugs they never could work long enough to ever have anything. I have never talked to one vet that did not tell me that drugs were the way of life in the armed forces. Being drunk/stoned and a soldier has always went hand in hand.