Hi andyeleven,
I didn't feel my brain
parasites until I started the garlic enemas and
parasite cleanse. Two theories:
(1) They were always in my head, but now I made them uncomfortable and squirmy, so now I could feel them.
(2) They were elsewhere in my body, but scattered to my head when the cleanse disrupted their happy home.
Which of the two scenarios is the case, I may never know. My sensations are in my ears and around my scull, and at times in the past I have also felt them in my nose. The two doctors I reported these symptoms to dismissed them as "nothing" and "not significant."
Left to my own devices, I recently started a blood-balancing protocol. I bought pH testing strips and found out my pH was very low -- around 5.5. It's supposed to be around 7.0 - 7.25, and the values increase logarithmically, so the lower it is, the more exponential the expression of acidity is. I read that
parasites can't thrive in an alkaline pH, so I've been working on raising my pH and I've cut out all acidic foods like meat, dairy, sugar, simple carbs, and processed foods. I'm pretty close to raw vegan now. I've also started eating fruit, mainly papaya and pineapple, for the enzymes. It was really by accident that I stumbled on this. I hadn't been eating fruit for many years, but I started eating pineapple because I heard it was effective against parasites. Many great things started happening, like my energy slowly started coming back and the headaches, nausuea, bloating, anxiety,
Depression and constipation all improved dramatically.
So I researched it and read that fruit contains acids that
parasites hate and lots of alkalizing minerals. Somehow it starts as an acid, but ends up leaving an alkaline ash in the body. When I started making smoothies with pineapple, coconut oil, banana and ice for lunch everyday I noticed big shifts in my health.
My logic was: whatever I was craving/eating before had to go because it was obviously swell dining fare for the parasites. In my case it was a lot of meat and dairy. And whatever I hadn't been eating (that's healthy) needed to come back as I now needed to eat what they don't want me to eat.
My pH is slowly coming up, along with my energy. I feel stronger and able to exercise again. The biggest thing is how much less I feel the parasites in my head. I feel them a lot less often and when I do, it's much weaker. I also have pinworms and I feel them so much less in my bottom as well -- big difference.
I no longer ingest anything that will tax my liver, so gone are the alcohol, anti-anxiety meds and coffee, all of which I liberally used before. It's a very different lifestyle but I feel like I am healing and getting my health back again.
I feel like I may be on to something. So I offer this to you and anyone else who may feel they might benefit.
I have 4 days left on my cleanse. Afterward I may do the mop-up program, which is supposed to get to hard to reach places. Here is a better link than the one I previously posted:
I hope any of this helps.