I got the Mirena IUD inserted in July 2007. At my recent check ups everything seems fine with the IUD itself. I have had several positives associated with the IUD such as no period and an increased libido. My problem is I'm having these weird attacks. My heart races, my hands and feet tingle and become completely numb, I get tunnel vision and feel like I'm going to faint, and I can't seem to catch my breath. A couple of times, this has been coupled with itching. It usually occurs after I have eaten, so I had thought it first to be a
food allergy . But, my allergist can't find anything specific that I'm allergic to. I feel silly wondering if this is associated with the IUD, but my dr. has no explanation other than I have somewhat low blood sugar. This has only started the past couple of weeks. The attacks are so severe that I have been to the ER twice and admitted to the hospital once. After reading all the posts, I'm really beginning to wonder if this thing could be to blame. But, I have been on BC pills nearly 14 years prior to the IUD, so I'm no stranger to hormones. What do you think?