Some have told me of the nightmares on the Iodine Forum. I took a quick peek and seen typical questions such as this:
I started taking Ipdoral 2 week ago. 150 mg daily split in 3 doses 50mg each. I tried to do the salt push twice and have retained all and weigh 10 lbs more the water retention is bad. My diet is about 85% raw for the past year. Had done 5 MC'S. Cant lose weight for the life of me. Some advise would be real great at this point I am at a loss and don't really do Dr.'s sence my 100 lb weight gain could not be explained 4 years ago.
I seen people getting allergic reactions to Iodines that were already deadly allergic to shell fish.
PEOPLE seem eager to be lead by the BLIND.......Iodine is serious stuff and it was mostly taken off of the market I guess because people were not capable of having it in their possesion. With IODINE, "MORE is NOT BETTER".
I can't imagine any form of commercial Iodine would be safe to self-experiment with. How could it be? Where do "they" get their Iodine or more importantly what "they" are calling Iodine? The consumer never knows and with something as important as Iodine, it is foolish to take the risk.
I was also told that the Iodine Forum blocks anyone and everyone who questions the use of such poisons, that I have no clue of, but if so, it would lead to the conlusion that non-knowing people being mislead there will probably find out soon enough its too risky and the forum dissolve away.
Medical uses methods to STOP the IMMUNE SYSTEM and thus the battle stops and the disease does not seem to bother us anymore and we think that was a great cure............................then if the cure didn't kill us, the Immune System reactivates and swelling/pain occures, etc. and once again the MD uses stronger and stronger drugs to kill the IMMUNE SYSTEM and once again, if the cure didn't kill us, the swelling/pain goes away.
Then if we are lucky, the Immune System once again kicks in and decides that if this body is to survive, the disease must be killed, because by now the drugs have allowed the disease to enter the body on the cellular level and NOW the Immune System sees the entire body as the problem and this time around the MD has nothing that can kill the Immune System unless it kills the patient as well and they calming say you have had a good long life and now your 55 years old and time to die with style with the aid of HOSPICE and you take the Morphine Highway to ####.
I suggest these metalic Iodines sterilize the body (Immune System)and do what CHEMO was suppose to do with out killing you as quickly as chemo does. Harry Hoxey was an expert at doseing Iodine and some of his advanced cancer patients lived another 40 years on their daily dose of IODINE mixed with some herbs. MAYBE the HERBS countered the deadly effects of too much Iodine?????????????? YES, that is probably the SECRET of the famed HOXEY CANCER CURE; that and they suggested you give up meat and other daily poisons.
BOOK I suggest every treatment that WORKED always had 1 stipulation, you had to stop eating things that were killing you; or the herbal/water treatment would fail to save your life. So the author of BOOK I put down his surgical knife, put down all his drugs and in 23 years cured the next 63,000 people that came to him using 14 days of orange juice. He didn't use herbs because all herbal remedies that worked, all suggested diet change. So the author of BOOK I explained we humans are FRUITAIRIANS and if you want to live after your 14 day orange juice cure, then you need to eat raw fruits as GOD DESIGNED us to live on and if your really wise and really want to live, you will as the Bible suggest, eat your food in season and store no foods. This way we obey the laws of the universe and work with Nature and not against Nature.
Naturally no one in the civilized world with $$$$$$ to spend eats from Nature's Plate. Dr. Christopher stated we humans are a bunch of lazy geese and that mean we will take the least resistant path we can find and often that means we will allow others to feed us, house us and some even allow others to bath us, etc., etc...and indeed, we are like the lazy goose.
Lazy usually ends up in a body that is flabby and well rewarded with premature death. Older people often see that when someone stops working they soon die. This is actually more that the people were addicted to their work and had no life but their work, but also because they just stopped using their body and what you don't use, you LOOSE!
If you sit on the mountain side pondering the issues of IODINE and take into account ancient (bible) information handed down for our use, you will understand that what Iodine we need is not from the ocean! God would not condem people who did not live close enough to the ocean to benifit from ocean Iodine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO, the handed down info is that our foods are designed to come from the TREE.
I suggest all tree fruit has enough Iodine over a lifetime; the perfect amount! BUT, because we eat other crap not from the tree, but from the vegetable/grain and dead animals of every sort, NOW we need more minerals, more plant based chemicals to process all this garbage and we are all on a roller coaster ride of supplementation to satisfy the wrong diet.
We now have 100 years of Iodine supplementation on paper in the form of books and today enough examples on the computer such as the Iodine Support Forum............So we can see the Good and the Bad............
The question being, do we have the smarts to recognize the good or are we a bunch of sheep who follows the blind leader and then we post: Why and I allergic, why is my throat swelling, Why is my cancer, etc., etc., etc.....................
Having open forums is cool, but it never means a single word is true and odds are we all only know what we believe to be true at the moment and tha is always subject to change from day to day. I still firmly believe our best supplements will come from the TREE. Iodine from the tree can be just as potent as the medical quality and my guess is, it doesn't have the ill side effects and Harry Hoxey came the closest to using Iodine Correctly, even more so that the late great Dr. Lugol in that Harry mixed it with herbs. Taking it one step further would be to simple use Iodine from the Tree. To date I have not read a book explaining that anyone has done this and used it as such.
I have done it back in 1990 and it scared the crap out of me as I gave my self second degree burns by using too much of it and I threw it away!!!!!!!!! Now that I understand Tree Iodine much better and can respect it as true Iodine, I have remade it and am experimenting with it. I have made three batches and am watching how it changes so very easily depending on how you do it and what method used to extract the Iodine. My third attempt is far better than my first attempt. It is looking really GOOD! There is no book to read from, no formula to follow, etc..etc...
Iodine is very important, but the solution by far! Iron/Calcium/Potassium etc. all need to be in balance and if were eating commercial foods and way too much, we all know for a fact we never have balance. Diet info such as Book I has is the largest key to longevity and Book I could be sumed up as this:
We are Fruitairians, do as the bible says and don't store your food.
Thats it, so simple a child could understand that God made us and God supplies our foods and in our case, it comes from a tree. If we lived in lands where humans can dwell, trees will supply fruits the year around.
For those of us that live in hostile lands that our realtives murdered the natives and stole these lands and or our lands are full of blood from wars, etc...we are all paying the price back 7 generations as the bible suggest. We are in a fight for our life. We need all the supplementaion we can get.
I received a recent e-mail stating that certain soldiers coming back to the USA are receiving a lifetime 20% benefit because they were subjected to so much depleted URANIUM as BOOK III/VIDEOS explains back before many knew it was going on. The lazy goose thinks, WOW, I get free $$$$$$$$$ for the res of my life.....da......
How about the people in the two countries that the USA splattered with Uranium in an effort to destroy the world's (RUUSIA/FRANCE/USA) depot of deadly germ warfare that was stored in the 100+ desert depot around Bagdad? According to some science, these people are all dead in that their lands are now toxic more thousands of years to come. People in those countries and surrounding countries should start walking as far away as they can go. While those who did the killing enjoy a 20% paycheck for the rest of their lives as their reward.
No differant in Vietnaum, uranium makes the people defected and slave like and eventually disease will rain down like black plagues erasing billions. All summed up as "Bird Flue".
These warriors returning back to their homelands are toxic, just as the warriors of World War I came home and their breath killed over 50 million Americans, more than the soldiers killed in battles...thus was the surviviors reward to retrun home from murdering to only murder his own family by breathing toxic air on them and the ones died went down in history of dieing in the 1918 swine flue epidemic. Today's epidemic is a result of germ warfare mixed with Uranium with the same results, reduction of world wide population.
Since God is in control, can it ever be correct to take a gun and kill another and on the extreme, wipe out entire races/religions? History shows that the great countries that have done so, eventually fall. Who today can find a Roman Soldier? How poweful are the Dutch today? Who cares about the French army? Who is threatended by the Japanese/Germans or the poor messed up Russian armies? NO, they all belong to the UN. Who is the UN? A United states organization started by the MASONS. Masons being a fake name for Roman Catholics, so maybe in that sense, all armies are Roman Soldiers.
President Jimmy Carter was against War. He stated no one ever gets over war. NO ONE likes that they had someone die in a war or result of war, they will blame one race or government all their days for their pains. Senseless wars makes the world misserable. What war is not sensless? Those being invaded should be expected to fight to keep their homes.
I suspect this:
All large cities (USA)are rapidly building new hospitals. This is clue enough that they know 1918 will happen all over as a result of soldiers returning home and their children and wives falling ill from germ warfare and now mixed with uranium.
History will ask WHY? What was ever acheived? After we die, our grade will show what we "Believed" most in and what choices we made. All is nothing more than daily class, we can be stupid and ignore the education or pay attention and wise up. The Bible states to just OPEN your EYES! The signs are everywhere to those who can see.
The masons/romans have us under the control of $$$$$$$$$$; no differant than explained 2,000 years ago by Paul. His theory was to give the $$$ back to the person who's face appeared on it, that money was a worldly trap that we all have fallen into and now our daily lives depend upon and we will go to war to keep the $$$$$$$$/power.
So Paul's message was, "who" will lay down the world and come follow me? Paul/Jesus got few takers, who wants to leave the easy path of the goose? The trapper kills by monitoring the path/trail that the prey follows day after day.
Peace can only be when your far away from the masses. Otherwise you must lock your doors in fear at night.