Romeo, they won't even allow me to play a doctor on tv, but I readReadREAD and ain't above stating my opinions. So here's plzchuckle's understanding of omega 3s:
All omegas have a "shelf-life" ... they denature from heat and from exposure to light. The key word here has to be "fresh."
If you look in your healthfood stores, the GOOD omega 3 supplementing oils are in a cooler, not on a shelf. The good ones are ALL in dark glass or opaque hard plastic bottles. Udo even has his in a box to elimenate as much light exposure as possible.
According to Udo Eramaus, the top 3 omega 3s are flax, hemp and borage oils.
Yes, I realize the Innui people are very healthy and it's theorized it's from the omega fish oils they consume. They are eating fresh fish, not taking supplements they bought in a store that are God knows how old.