Ive done several research for months on this site regarding my internal problems and I finally may have come to a conclusion. First and foremost I need get my digestive system working properly and increase good flora- KEFIR!
With that being said, I know that goat yogurt kefir, digestive enzymes, etc. wont help cure my problem but also cleaning the colon. I was told to take magnesium oxide with lemon after meals to flush and clean colon daily?
I would like a SIMPLE daily colon cleanse...Something with OKRA and or aloe vera juice.
How does coconut water effect on a colon cleanse? Im interested in doing coconut kefir!
Here is my protocol:
Dr. Schulze SUPERFOOD tonic
Take mulitvitamin (Geratol) I believe
DIgestive Enzymes (pancreatic and digestion)
Culture Kefir (goat milk)
Coconut kefir
Pepsin, okra
Virgin Coconut oil
Vitamin B complex
Every two weeks liver flush
Mission to gain natural weight:
Protein Shake w/ Kefir
Goat yogurt kefir
coconut oil
I hope my protocol will cure my candida, depression, anxiety, hyperthyroid,etc.