Details as in ?? dosages, frequency ?? length of treatment??
products used Neem (Nature's Way) Boswellia (natures Way) Oil Oregano (NOW = enteric coated) and myrrh (Gaia tincture) ... apple cider vinegar enemas and oral acv.
I would recommend using kinesiology to test effectivness, I used some dowsing techniques which is very similar to kinesiology. I have learned the hard way that muscle testing or kinesiology is one of the best feedbacks you can have. Rarely do I venture taking new products w/o letting my body talk back to me. I use it for food, supps, other treatments.
I don't think that
parasites come out so easily, I think it takes a longer time to expel than a 1 week treatment. I had a friend who used the Clark herbs for a long time and expelled nothing until he did the lyme cure which advocates the use of sodium and vitamin C , he expelled worms following this.
Neem was recommended in Burton Goldberg's Alternative Medicine book.
Historically, neern has been used to rid the body of all forms of parasites. Scientists have since proven that neem quickly kills external and internal parasites. There are numerous Ayurvedic preparations and home remedies using neem for this purpose. In fact, simple water extracts of neem leaves are preferred over standard prescription treatments for lice and scabies in Ayurvedic practices.
Neern extracts have compounds similar to hormones that interfere with the life cycle of external
parasites such as lice and the scabies mite. Neern works because it has compounds that inhibit a parasite's ability to feed, and to prevent eggs from hatching. Since lice and scabies mites are becoming resistant to many of the products currently used to get rid of them, using neem may be not only the safest but also the most effective treatment available.