the article you referred to has been around a long time... the shame is that this is not AA at all... this is a wolf in sheeps clothing... this is someone using the AA fellowship for their own personal agenda... and it has been my experience that there is always payback for everything we do... if we do bad things... bad things will befall us... "in spades"... (prostate cancer...!!!)
it seems that most newcomers place all the emphasis of recovery on 'not drinking'... but the big book specifically points out that "alcohol/drinking/drugs was merely a symptom"... (page 64)... and it goes on to say on that same page that "that once the spiritual malady is overcome we straighten out mentally and physically"... which i can only interpret to mean that our "dis-ease" is one of a spiritual nature rather than being physical or mental as many believe...
the problem with young people... (most people)... is that they are searching for happiness and fulfillment outside of themselves... they have been conditioned to believe that someone else is responsible to make them happy/content/fulfilled... but this is a delusion/lie that if we do not come to a clear understanding will drive us right back to the bottle... for truly... "HAPPINESS IS AN INSIDE JOB... AND COMES FROM RIGHT LIVING"...
but stories like this one have been going on since time began... ever since adam & eve... God asked adam why he ate of the apple... and adam blamed eve... and eve blamed the snake... and the poor snake didn't have a leg to stand on... lol... ;-)
and for all you biblical scholars... perhaps you noticed that cain slew able... he didn't just kick his ass... he 'killed' him... so it seems that our bad behavior hasn't changed a whole helleva lot... has it...???
the bottom line is simply this... i can't change anyone other than myself... but... by changing me i have managed to make the world a better place to live... for at the very least i have taken one practicing alcoholic off the highways... so therefore the rest of the world is a safer place to live... but i also sincerely believe that the spiritual way of life one learns to live by attending meetings and attempting to live by practicing the principles of AA... helps the world in a far greater way that most of us will probably ever realize...
all i have to say is...
"it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood"... (unless 'you' decide otherwise)