Hi Grz,
Your post: Cayce stated man's body required four things and from these four the body can make the rest...
Many have speculated that soda meant calcium carbonate; some think it means sodium bicarbonate. It has been stated that these are half sodas. Perhaps the real term "soda" means "carbonate or bicarbonate alone.
When the article you posted stated "the hydroxide can combine with carbon dioxide to form bicarbonate and bring the pH back down"
A big light went off in my head.
Thank you
Answer: It has always amazed me at the many people who "Fail" to be able to Communicate because of not knowing or understanding the Terminology used by the person doing the talking and explaining, thus the Listener is "Unable" to grasp the meaning of what is being Discussed !
It is kinda like "Only" knowing the English Language and trying to "Communicate" with someone speaking Chinese or Japanese or any other Language, one may end up using sign Language to try to get a drink of milk and may end up with water ?
This is "WHY" when we buy an Electronic manufacturing machine or even a Simple tool, the Manufacture provides a Manual to tell us how to operate it and in todays world, many times in several Different Languages, otherwise many people cannot communicate properly with each other and the job does not get done properly !
And as "I" have stated several Times and provided Clarification of the Termonology of Different words "I" choose to use, in an attempt to provide those willing to come to understand what "I" am talking about, to be able to know the "Truth" , because others of the Worldly Educated may not agree with the Termonology I choose to use for Different words, thus Preventing them from being able to come to understand the "Truth" as I am explaining it ?
And Edgar Cayce was no Different, for one to understand what he was talking about, one needs to understand what meaning he placed on the words he used to explain what he was talking about ?
And for those people who have become Worldly Educated beyond their own Intelligence, and have gotten Full of themself with a Big head, these types of folks are unwilling to Seek the "Truth" , for in their Pea Brains, they are the Greatest and everyone else is supposed to believe the same way they choose to believe about meaning of Different words, thus they may stay "Decieved" to the real "Truth's" in Life, thus preventing them from even being able to help their own Bodys with being able to Heal, thus they may stay Sick and Diseased !
For, "ANYONE" who is Seeking the Real "Truth" and has done "ANY" Research thru-out History may know, is that the meaning of Different words has changed thru-out times from one Generation to the next !
A Classic example of this may be found in the word Supper ?
In the beginning in the Bible it talked about the Last Supper, being the Last meal of the Day !
And for many years everyone knew that when the word "Supper" was mentioned, one knew that it was refering to the Last meal of the Day !
Look at it today, because of the "Deception" of Satan the Devil: now most people think the Last meal of the Day is called Dinner(main daily meal) as per the Webster Dictionary, which today most people eat their Main meal in the even before Bedtime !
So, it is easy to see "WHY" so many may become "Deceived" with a Lack of Communication, when not understanding the Terminology used by the "Orginal" speaker ?
So, is it any wonder "WHY" the Worldly Educated of today seem to have Great problems with some of the Terminology "I" choose to use to explain what I am talking about in an effort to share the many "Truth's", which the Sick and Diseased of the World are Lacking in, thus Causing them Great Suffering, so that those Seeking for "Truth" may learn to help themself Solve their own problems and their own Bodys may begin to Heal ?
The Simple man already knows he is Lacking in understanding of many things, so it is easier for him to Learn, because he is willing to Read the Manual of New Instructions to Learn !
But, the Worldy Educated person who has become "Deceived" by the God of this world(SATAN) the Devil, into believing they already know it all, these folks will remain "Deceived" and Lacking in the Real "TRUTH's" needed to learn to Solve their own Health problems !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.