sans sucre
Yes! And the above poster is correct about it being a chicken/egg thing. My thyroid is low, and I suspect it is due to the candida because I monitor my body temp, and it is good when I am feeling well, but dips when I get a candida flare. When I had gotten rid of candida about 3 years ago, my thyroid started working right. I relapsed, and boom, thyroid probs again. My alternative doc recommended this suff by Metagenics called Thyrosol. It has
Iodine and some other complementary ingredients. He called it the natural method of thyroid help, and I suppose if it doesn't work I will have to go onto the allopathic crap.
Also, having a low thyroid makes it more difficuilt to get rid of candia cause your body just cannot muster up the energy it needs to fight properly. So, I figured, instead of waiting for my candida to go away to help my thyroid, maybe if I help my thyroid it will help me keep candida away.
Last night when I got home, my temp was only 96.6. I took my first thyrosol last night and this morning my temp was 98. Still low, but clearly better. Was it due to the thyrosol? Seems way to soon, as these things usually take months to regulate you. I guess if it stays good, I'll know.