I am doing a
parasite and worm cleanse for the first time. I'm on day 10 and I'm taking 2 x a day
"Wormwood" tincture: 10-20 drops (each dose)
"Parasite": 30-60 drops
Ingredients: Quassia Wood
Balck Walnut Hulls
Garrya Herb
Clove Seed
Bayberry Root Bark
"Burdock": 30-60 drops
"Liver Detox": 10-40 drops
Ingredients: Oregon Grape Root
Milk Thistle Seed
Yellow Dock Root
Red Root
Dandelion Root
Fringe Tree Bark
Fresh Ginger Root
I also am taking raw garlic 1-2x a day, I just cut a clove into lengths and swallow some, and I have started pumkin seeds as of 3 days ago.
I find it interesting that I bought those at different times, not together and that none of the ingredients repeat in any of them. I also never took them all at once, but took each one as I bought them. I have enough to take them together for probably 2-3 weeks.
Since taking the pumkin seeds, I've been going to the bathroom a lot and for very small little bms that just have to be expelled..but they are very singular in their appearance. Also, I have a lot of rumbling and gas..never had so much in my life!
I think I read that you should do the cleanse for 30 days, then rest for 90 and do it again. Since this is my first cleanse I'm going to do that.