Well, I'm probably going to have to swish with it, because on the website
there was one (count them) one receipe for a salad dressing....didn't sound that great.
Then I found this:
Pumpkin seed oil is typically used as a salad dressing combined with apple cider vinegar and salt. Additionally, it can be used in cooking and baking as an ingredient in sauces, sausages, and cakes.
So for all those ACV users...got for it!
But this sounded more appetizing:
Prized in Europe for its sensational flavor, the oil has a rich dark green color and strong nutty flavor. On the palate, caramel notes and subtle roasting scents play against a light buttery finish. Traditional Austrian recipes pair pumpkin seed oil with apple cider vinegar for a delectable vinaigrette. When drizzled over a dish just before serving, pumpkin seed oil gives a flavor boost to bread and to grilled or roasted items -- poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits. Or, try it as a swirl in a smooth, pureed soup with a mild flavor, such as squash soup.
Then I found this!
The Green Oil Gourmet
Pumpkin seed oil contains Vitamin E which is beneficial to skin. Rub in a drop of The Green Oil Gourmet to scars and sores. This may help to reduce healing time and scar tissue. Do not rub into open wounds.
"I have used The Green Oil on scratches and cuts and it seems to help. Also, some (not all) persistent pimples have cleared up faster with some pumpkin seed oil. I cannot guarantee this will work for you, but if your body requires the nutrients found in pumpkin seed oil, then it may help." - Sharan
Last but not least....now I actually salivated:
Dark, rich, olive green in color, pumpkin seed oil can contribute as much to a dish's visual appeal as it does to its flavor profile. However, its ability to brighten a dish's presentation is not the only reason Jeannetti favors the use of pumpkin seed oil as a garnish. "Pumpkin seed oil is something you want to use right out of the bottle," he says. "Because it has such a strong flavor, it's really hard to cook with. When you cook with it, the flavor of the oil changes and gets a little bitter."
Jeannetti's love of pumpkin seed oil has had him in the kitchen experimenting with the dark green oil on many occasions. He has found that the best time to add pumpkin seed oil to grilled fish is as a garnish after the fish is cooked. In his experiments with the oil, he also has found that the deep rich color of pumpkin seed oil, which is stunning as a garnish, can turn a dish too dark if used as an ingredient in the cooking process.
Smart Salads
In addition to its use as a garnish, Jeannetti favors pumpkin seed oil in a variety of vinaigrettes. "If you take toasted pumpkin seeds, a little pumpkin seed oil, and some cider vinegar — boom! You have a great vinaigrette for any kind of salad," he exclaimed. One of his most sensational salad creations with pumpkin seed oil is a
Celery root slaw. "I marinate the
Celery root slaw with the pumpkin seed oil and then I put grilled fish on top...
More than you ever wanted to know, eh?