Gallbladder surgery is the #1 operation being performed in America today ... we're talking big bucks being made here. Nobody, I mean NOBODY, in the allopathic world is looking for an alternative to cutting out those big $$$ !!!
I'm not funding research, I'm just self-experimenting, as are the rest of us.
Want to do your own? Go thru the post here and make your own research paper ... even this is going to be difficult, so many get better and we never hear from them again.
...... and another thing.....
Why do you feel a need to defend what you've chosen to do? Take your health issues into your own hands. You're not going to have a flashing sign on your forehead reading "Liver Flusher." They won't know if you don't tell 'em.
Monti, studying international conspiracy theories make your questions as plain to me as the nose on my face.
Kevin Trudeau states it simply: It's all about the money.
Who funds medical research?? Pharmaceutical companies.
Considering that, why would THEY/Big Pharma, want to prove that you can be healthier by spending less than $5 a month liver flushing? They'd prefer that your medical insurance pay $150 a month on a Rx that treats your symptoms. Capice?
The only thing that you and I can do is get as healthy as we can. Get it to the point that others actually SEE our improvement and ask "what's up with you?" Tell folks, one person at a time and share out experiences in places like this so others can read that IT WORKS.
People go into the medical profession to help people. They only thing they have to work with is what they are told. Then they are governed by laws of acceptable protocol. Medical folks aren't the evil here ... it's those that are in control.