Hi, Refreshed!
What happens when our blood/lymph are short of calciium and other alkiline minerals?
Don't they rob them from tissues to keep us alive? Often bone?
Then they redeposit the minerals when and if they have enough to do so.
If our body is with the proper slightly alkiline pH most of the time, the intructions as to where and how to deposit the minerals for growth are likely to be accurate, producing desirable shapes and structure, wouldn't you think?
But what happens if our pH is usually out of whack and those instructions are interfered with? Too little deposit [osteoporosis] deposits in the wrong shape or place [bone spurs, calcified ligaments, etc] and other diseases???
When I started this program, I had plantar fascitis so bad I could hardly walk and was very stiff. On this program, it disappeared, came back slightly under temporary acidic sress, and is now GONE!
I had only had it for about 6-7 months. The x-rays will show whether longer standing probs in my back are also going already. I am not sure if problems always leave in the order they developed...would be interested to hear other's experience in that regard.