What's on offer?
Fancy car? Big House?
How much do you earn?
How did your last relationship end?
Do you still keep in touch?
How many relationships have you had and how long was the longest?
Do you get on with your mother?
What's your personal hygiene like?
How much are you prepared to spend on dinner?
Why are you single in your mid 40s?
Or are you divorced?
Or do you have 8 kids by 8 different women?
What's your shoe size and favourite colour?
What's your star sign?
What's your idea of a good time?
What music are you into?
What type of movies?
How tall are you? What do you weigh?
What hair and eye colour?
Who's your alter ego?
Favourite book?
Best memory in your childhood?
Best experience ever?
What's your deepest fear?
What makes you laugh?
What makes you cringe?
Will you finance 12 illegitimate children?
Do you like or want children?
What types of clothes do you wear? Brands?
What are your thoughts on evolution?
Do you cook?
What's your shoe size?
What's your intention? Marriage? Live in? Casual? Fling?
Are you OK with false teeth?
And tatoos?
Do you gamble? Smoke? Drink?
Do you tango?
What would your best friend say about you?
Do you like dogs, cats, gerbils?
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?
What was your last meal?
Do you have facial hair? Body hair? Hair??
What DON'T you want me to know about you?
Women are nosey creatures. NOSEY! N~O~S~E~Y!!
Oh, I'm not single ... but just giving you some questions to answer to perhaps be a little bit more open about advertising yourself :-)
Have a great day!