Thank you, Dquixote1217 for sharing your story and, to CureZone for offering a great place to share.
I have read through the entire thread and I agree with everyone... your son is very blessed to have a Dad that understands him and his addiction. "Keep up the Good Fight" I think you have alot of people cheering for both of you.
I lost my Father due to alcohol
My mother due to perscription drugs
and my brother due to smoking.
I believe all three would of had a greater chance of being alive today, had I of known then what I know now.
I remember frantically searching for alternative ways to help them, knowing deep inside that the care they were receiving was only making them worse. I so badly wanted to help them. When I would come across something that might be benificial... I would run in to two mayjor "road blocks" they were either too afraid to try something new or didn't have enough background info to believe it could work, and the other "road block" that kills me the most was, money. They in know way could afford the alternatve treatment. I paid for as much as I could knowing there was so much more they could of benifited from.
Since their passing I continued with my informal studies in hopes to help my son who was ADD. I tried a myriad of different nutritional approaches to help him and had some successes but nothing that was substantial, so I began formal studies involving brain chemistry, biocemical balancing, amino acid therapy and the addicted brain. My son has shown amazing results...using only natural drugs. "hooray!!!"
Your story offers hope and is very incouraging. I remember many times losing all hope and really needed to hear a succes story to keep me going.
Thanks for posting!!!!!!
ps. You mentioned in your post that you worked as a nutritional coach??? Is this what helped your son? if so what nutrients did you find most benificial? or was it a combination of things?
Thank you for your wonderful post. These people are victims, and having people look down on them for their misfortune is a crime.