I suppose they could be testing how much determination, and money, little guys can come up with, before they fold.
And, who their friends are.
And, what interest the public will take.
I'm just guessing, of course.
But, the advertising I had in mind was more the kind that suggests a shiny red car is sexy. (Oh, sure!)
And, that anyone 'wants' to go crashing through the underbrush and mud of an uncharted swamp. (Really?)
Or, that people are really using an artificial 'room freshener' as though they can't get enough of it. (Gad! They must be making a fortune on it to lay on an advertising campaign like that...up front. Hoping for another Hula Hoop?)
Have you noticed how many websites DON'T say much? ...Not even the name of the town where it is manufactured, or the names of the principles! ...Or a telephone number!
You can twist words to say anything you want...and quote anyone, implying that they 'meant' anything you want...like black is white.
The strangest part of it is, if you tell the simple, and whole, truth, you could often sell twice, or four times as much...and fix your place forever in the public regard...as long as the price was reasonable. (A warehouseful of over-priced widgets, unsold, is a loss. Period. ...No matter how you try to write it off.)
As I see it, the public is ready, in fact, eager, for common sense and real value.
'Build a better mousetrap'...as we used to say...'and the world will beat a path to your door.' That would be a huge savings in advertising costs.
What is really true is becoming more and more obvious. The public is refusing to part with their hard-earned dollars, more and more often. Advertising has shot itself in the foot, and that foot was in its mouth...the way I see it.