Hi Ya'll,
As per the above Clarification Post, which had this info to tell "WHY" I was making this Clarification so that those who choose to read about my ideas about Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles may have a chance to come to Better understanding of the words I choose to use, I started it out with the below two sentences:
------"It has come to my attention that some words which different people may use, may have different meanings to different people, depending on what they think about it !"------
-----"So, for some clarification , I am going to try to clarify what some words are to mean when I may talk about them !"-----
Answer: Now "ANYONE" with just a Little bit of Common Sense would be able to understand after reading the above, that my Terminology of these words may not agree with some of the Worldy Educated, who may have become Educated beyond their own Intelligence !
But my Clarification would provide anyone the ability to better understand what I am sharing, "IF" they possessed "ANY" "Common Sense" , because it provides a Groundwork Basis of the meanings of the words I am Clarifying for application to the info I am talking about !
This below link is a post of one of the major Bashers and Complainers in the Debate forums:
As one may see in reading their Bash and Complaining, they are "Unable to also Read Simple English!
For in the above I Explained "WHY" the Clarification post was made, for the purpose of sharing meaning of the Terminology of the words I choose to used in relationship to what I am sharing, for those able to Read, and thus then enabling those Few folks with some "Common Sense" to be able to Better understand what I am talking about !
For as most know by now, that I Disagree with a lot of the Worldly Educated, who may have become Educated beyond their own Intelligence !
And this is just another Example of these folks not knowing their Head from a Hole in the Ground !
For my Clarification was to share my meaning and usage of the words I choose to use!
For how is a person who speaks English going to be able to properly Communicate with someone who speaks French or Spanish or German etc, unless you learn the "Understanding" of their words ?
It is called Learning to Communicate properly !
And this seems to be Greatly Lacking in this "Poor Worldly Educated person" who has nothing better to do but Bash and Complain about the Free info I am sharing to those who want to Learn to help themself and are willing to Learn to Communicate on my Terminology Level , so that they may be among those Few who may find Healing as can be seen by these, who have been willing to make the changes to learn to help themself !
As here are some of these "Common Sense" folks, who have provided Testimonials as to the Success of these Ideas :
I am Happy that this person feels so much in need to Freely advertise for my Free info and bring it to the attention of many other folks in need, who have "Some" "Common sense" and are willing to Learn to help themself !
Maybe some day she will also Learn to have some "Common Sense" and then be able to come to understand the Simpleness of these ideas and be willing to have some much needed Compassion on her own body ?
You know? There is always that Hope for even the most Decieved of folks ?
So let us remember this Poor Worldy Educated person in our Prayers, as to their great need of help, for them to Learn to be able to Read and understand to Properly Communicate !
For what Hope do they have, unless they can learn to Read and Communicate properly ?
Smile Tis your choice.