Healme, Dr. Mercola use to be my doctor, this is when he was still seeing patients. He now devotes his time to writing books and lecturing. I have followed his health program and it does work.
Mercola states:
I am going to repeat myself again, but the main thing with DM 2 is insulin resistance. This is secondary to America's obsession with carbs. Most take in more carbs in relation to protein and fats. Which are very important when it comes to the physiology of the body. Any time you overload on carbs, many things start to happen: your pancreas works over time, as well as the liver, you have fluctuations of insulin and blood
Sugar levels, your cortisol levels go up/down and eventually stay up and so forth. The main trigger is that your body starts to store
Sugar in your muscles and most do not exercise enough. So when the muscles stores are filled, the next place is to let if "free flow" in the blood. The end result is that your body cannot handle the blood glucose levels, as well as all the carbs/sugar coming in. You end up with pancreatic insulemia and insulin resistance. Your body cannot keep up and you are now unable to decrease blood
Sugar levels because your body is insulin resistant.
As well, as I have said before, insulin is the KEY that opens the doors of the receptor sites to store fat. So, most, not all type 2 diabetics are skinny, but have guts. This is one of the signs of being insulin resistant. Some great principles to follow are:
Your are what you eat and when you eat
Get to bed by 10 and rise no earlier than 6 a.m. (physical repair is between 10pm-2am and mental repair is between 2am-6am)
Drink ½ your body weight in
ounces of water per day
If it wasn’t here 10,000 years ago, don’t eat it
If it has a shelf life than it is a nonfood and should not be eaten (it takes more energy for you to metabolize and assimilate a nonfood than that food actually provides you with)
If it is white, don't eat it (salt, sugar, flour, pasteurized milk)
If it is clear, don't eat it (jello's, juice, etc). Bacteria grows around it and most clear fluids are sugar water.
If you are not eating for your metabolic type, it is like putting unleaded gas in a diesel engine
If you can't eat it, don't wear it! (www.eastwest.younglivingworld.com)
Stay away from or eating food from microwaves!
Are you familiar with Dr. Jordan Rubin. He has written a book called "The Great Physician's Rx for Diabetes. He has a little different take on diet than Dr. Mercola. Page 25 and 26 of the book states the following:
.Eat only foods that God created.
.Eat foods in a form that is healthy for the body
.At mealtime, consume protein, fat, and veggies before sweets or starchy
.Practice portion control by putting 20% less on your plate
.Drink 6 to 8 glasses of pure water per day, and drink 8
ounces of water whenever
you feel hungry
.When the food on your plate is half-eaten, take a deep breath and ask yourself if
you're still hungry
.Eat foods like whole oatmeal or whole food nutrition bars, which contain beta-
.Sprinkle between a quarter teaspoon and a teaspoon of cinnamon daily into your
On pg 4 he states "For those with diabetes, this means consuming generous amounts of quality proteins, eating less high-glycemic carbohydrates such as grains, sugars, breads, pastas, rice, potatoes, and corn, and consuming more low-glycemic carbohydrates such as most vegetable and fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes, and small amounts of whole grains.
Healme, are you familiar with coconut flour? It is not a grain. Are you familiar with quinoa, amaranth, or millet. I would feed him meat before I fed him rice. As far as the USDA food pyramid, I would totally forget it exists.
I am not a diabetic. Although, I have a brother and many friends who are.
Wishing you and your husband abundant health.
May God Bless You...