Hi there
I would firstly like to say thanx for your all your effort, kindness and time you give to readers of this site, personally speaking it's enormously appreciated. It's done far more for me in than any medical practitioner has! SO THANK YOU!!!
I have battled with candida for almost six years now. Hopefully winning, definitely winning rather...but something has befuddled me for some time and would like to ask fellow erudites for their thoughts.
I meticulously follow a strict anti-candida diet and seldom deviate with a once/twice weekly green apple or goats yoghurt. Alongside, I rotate my antifungals to maintain efficacy, although over recent months/weeks I find I can not tolerate them and I develop symptoms unlike die-off.., rather it almost feels like the candida is digging it's heels in and has become wise to it. This worries me, as I am slowly running out of anti-fungals to try!! I am very in tune with how both food and herbal things affect me and I am confident this does not feel like a 'positive' reaction to the candida dying off.
My present regime is, citricidal, oregano, goldenseal,formula SF722, alongside I take three-lac and good strength acidphilus. I have recently had to stop, caprylic, candigest, berberis, spilanthes, coconut oil, as well as many others along the way!
I have also started cleansing, using Bentonite, LF, and monthly colonics, which seem to helping.
Your help would be greatly received,
floundering Balvenie