First...#34548...I want to apologize for taking so long to get this to you. Our
internet server had an outage and I was totally out of commission for about 24 hours. But here's your reply below. This is some wonderful advice...hope you
give a big portion of it a try. We finally did...and we could really see a difference...I'll bet you will too...kathryn
(since some of our emails aren't working right now...I've posted it below)
Dear 34548,
Kathryn forwarded your questions to me.
She will either send you my response via email, or post it on CZ.
Your main problems seem to be anemia and
constipation. Here's what I suggest:
Instead of taking iron pills three times a day, I would begin eating foods that are rich in iron. The richest sources of iron are
algae, dried seaweeds, and spirulina. You can buy good dried seaweeds in any health food store -- dulse flakes, nori, kombu kelp,
agar agar, and alaria. Dice up those that come in sticks or sheets, and add them to a
cup of juice. The dulse and agar agar are powders, which are easy to use. I've been
eating dried seaweed for many years, and
I never plan to be without it. It is full of
need-to-have nutrients,
You can find spirulina in just about any green superfood, 34548. I strongly suggest
you buy a green superfood, and begin taking several teaspoons a day in juice
or water: one in the morning and one in mid-afternoon. I alternate about 5 good
superfoods, from day to day.
Yes, the Brewer's Yeast Buds or Flakes are
very good for you. I've been eating a spoonful of Brewer's Yeast Buds each day for many years. I don't think it was the reason you had an attack of diarrhea.
You should also consider adding the following foods to your eating-regimen.
1) Golden Flax Seed -- grind your own and
add it to juice. Flax is a superb source of
omega 3 fats, which your body needs.
2) Aloe Vera gel -- My back porch is full of
aloe plants. I call them "green gold." Aloe
is full of vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need. It's a perfect food. I eat some
every day. And I rub the gel on my skin,
especially my face.
3) Sprouts -- As I type, there are 3 trays of
sprouts in front of my on the living room
floor. They've been basking in the Florida
sunshine. Home-grown sprouts are perhaps the cleanest and most nutritious
food you can eat. I grow broccoli, alfalfa,
mung beans, lentils, fenugreek, buckwheat,
mixed salad greens, and mixed beans
I could survive on the sprouts, all by themselves.
4) Pure Water -- Your constipation problems will probably disappear if you begin drinking LOTS for pure water each
day. By lots, I mean 3 to 4 quarts: minimum
of 2. Your intestines need water to push the
waste material out of your body. If you provide your body with plenty of water,
you'll have regular and easy BMs. I prefer
home-distlled water. DON'T drink tap water!
5) Instead of meat, consider eating fish in
the form of sardines or wild-caught tuna.
Sardines, especially, are a very nutritious food. Costco sells some Norwegian sardines that are truly delicious. I ate them
for years, until I phased out fish in 2005.
6) Each day, eat either some seeds, nuts, or
dried fruits; organic, of course. Do seeds one day, nuts the next, and dried fruits on
Day #3. Your body will thank you.
7) Eat some organic brown rice at least two
or three times each week. Delicious and nutritious.
8) Seriously consider buying a rebounder,
and using it daily -- ESPECIALLY for 10 minutes, right after a meal. Just bounce very gently; your feet should not leave the
surface. Gentle rebounding is wonderful
for getting the digestive process going.
I've written a lot about the importance of
rebounding on my CZ archive. The address is:Http://
I hope some of these suggestions resonate
with you, 34548. Trust your deep intuition about what to do, and what not to do. I will
keep you in my prayers.